This is becoming the personal food blog of bearette24.

For dinner, we had an appetizer of peanut noodles (Thai style, quite good), followed by a "delicious puree of mixed vegetables." This was from Madhuri Jaffrey's cookbook. She's the owner of Dawat, a tony Indian restaurant here in Manhattan. I then had a mango lassi. There were little fibers from the mango in it but it was yummy anyway. I forgot to add cardamom, which was a no-no.

I went bike riding earlier, from my apartment down to Canal Street. This woman passed by, saying, "On your left." I noticed her lower back, visible above her waistband, was spattered with gritty black stuff. I then put my hand to my own lower back, and yep, there was gritty black stuff. That's the problem with riding through puddles.

I am sending "Evergreen" to a Zoetrope contest (that would be tasty if I won!) and Rosebud (a funky literary magazine with a sheep on the cover. A fluffy one.)

I'm reading "Naked" by David Sedaris. He is one strange guy, but pretty funny. He went to Kent State. He knew about the shootings and thought, "At least people aren't dying of boredom." The state would give you free tuition if you roomed with a handicapped person, so he got a quadriplegic roommate and set him on the toilet, clipped his toenails, etc. One thing I've taken away from the book - it's a bad idea to hitchhike. Of course, I knew that anyway.

It's pretty fun writing this thing. Goodnight, blog.


Anonymous said…
food porn! we need food porn!!(-=

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