I'm feeling vaguely sick today, so I haven't exercised. I wonder if I will turn into a gelatinous ball of fat.

We're eating at Jackson Diner in Queens with P tonight. P just graduated from Princeton and works for my husband in the summers. P has reddish hair and fancies himself a Conan O'Brien lookalike. Same impish Irish sense of humor. He also does standup.

I'm finishing "The Dog Walker" by Leslie Schnur. It's reaffirmed my faith in the power of connections in the world of publishing ;) Seriously, she's a decent writer, though she used to work for a publishing house and it probably helped her.

On author blurbs: There are some authors who say they like everything they read, so when they say, "Schnur's book is sooo captivating!", I no longer believe them. Marian Keyes is guilty of this, though I love her books.

I still want a puppy.


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