Just when you thought it was safe...

D and I have been invited to another wedding. We've already been to three this year, two of which were in May. Aaargh...

This wedding is for people I've never met, semi-distant relatives of D's. It's a cute invite, with a bride and groom on the front, with a cat on the ground in between them. Arching over their heads are two trees with Hebrew letters in the branches. My neighbor, who was reading the invite in the elevator, tells me it's the tree of life.

The wedding is in Brooklyn, yet the directions from Manhattan are "by car." Why would we rent a car to go to a wedding in Brooklyn? We won't. Stranger still: it's on a Wednesday night. Oh well, at least it's in the same state. I'm a little weddinged-out at this point.

Anywho, I saw Ted Allen on the street. He's the cook from Queer Eye. I know, the show has lost its gloss, but it's still exciting to see a celebrity. In the past, I saw Jai Rodriguez (the "culture" guy) at the Viceroy, a mediocre diner on 8th Ave. He was sitting near the window, waiting for somebody. Or just eating alone. So that's 2 QE sightings in my neighborhood.

I may also have seen Chris Noth (Mr. Big, of Sex and the City fame) on the bike path. I'm not sure though.


Bearette said…
i know, isn't it?

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