Okay, I know you were all wondering...the paneer came out well. You take two quarts (not gallons, mea culpa) of milk and bring them to a boil. Then you lower the heat and quickly add 3 tablespoons of white distilled vinegar and stir. At this point, the milk separates into thin green ooze (whey) and white fluffies (curd). If the milk doesn't separate, you add another tablespoon of vinegar and stir some more. Then you dump the mess into the lined colander (the cheaper the dishtowel, the better - more holey). The green ooze will go down the sinkhole and the white fluffies will sit there waiting for you.

Then you tie up the ends of the dishtowel with a rubber band and wring the top of it to get the water out. You put the little package on a cutting board in the sink, put another cutting board on top, and flatten it out with a 5-lb weight for 3 or 4 minutes. Then you cut the paneer into cubes and you can mix it with spinach, tomatoes, etc.

The spinach part is more involved, but if you want the recipe, Carpe, let me know.

Julia Child signing off...


Anonymous said…
heehee...Julia Child...hold off on the recipe, ive got too much moving to do! what'll ya do with all that leftover milk?!?
Bearette said…
No leftover milk, you use both quarts. I bought 2 quarts, I just wrote gallons by accident ;)

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