Hi kids, I'm back. Well, I think I have three regular readers, but one is on moving hiatus.

Anyway, we had dinner at Thailand Restaurant (our favorite cheap, in-the-shadow-of-the-courthouse place for exotic eats). Our friend Lobo came with us. After much discussion, that was the code name we chose for him. He's a quirky guy, named after a famous actor. He's having his 32nd birthday at Thailand Restaurant in August; you're invited ;)
When asked if there's safety in numbers, Lobo says, "There's safety in prime numbers."

After dinner, I was able to find and buy Then He Ate My Boy Entrancers by Louise Rennison...yay! Louise Rennison is the best thing to happen to YA fiction, and my to-be-read pile, in a long time.

I was very good with eating today. Not too many "serious carbs". Our new acronym is CARB - cereal and rice bread. Yes, we know it would be better if a carb started with A.

The jury is out on a new blog (well, new to me) that I started to read. It's called Manic Mom's Mental Myriads or something like that. I can't decide if it's funny or matronly.

It's interesting, when you use the random blog generator (i.e., click on "next blog" above), there are so many drawbacks. They're in another language, or they're porn, or they're full of search terms (i.e., they say "used cars" over and over). There should be a tool where you can eliminate these in your search for the perfect blog.


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