Whee! R from chicklitbooks.com is going to send me some books to review. Anything but Red Dress Ink, I told her.

D and I had lunch at Songkran (which means water festival in Thai; they throw colored water at each other or something during the festival.) If you say Songkram, by contrast, that means war.

D got me a bike bell to deter what we call "path tards"...i.e., people who walk in front of you or swerve into you when you're riding your bike on the Hudson River path. I know, it's politically incorrect, but some of these people are really annoying. I've found the bell works best when they're facing me. When I'm behind them, they often have no clue. There's also a "violent horn", according to D. It's an air-filled sac/ball of rubber that sounds like the factory whistle at the end of the day. Guaranteed to scare you off your bike. Since I just want them to move, not collapse, I won't use that one ;)

I wonder how long my pregnant teacher will continue? The other yoga center is more convenient to me...I did just buy a 10-class card for her, though.


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