I thought I was too tired to blog, but what the heck, I will anyway. I'm addicted.

I hope Billy Graham followers don't wreak too much havoc here in Manhattan. Apparently he made some rather inflammatory remarks about Jews to Nixon, saying they're to blame for everything in America. Too bad - he seemed a rather august, silver-haired man. Everyone seemed to accept his apology readily. Maybe they don't see him as capable of true bigotry.

Anyway, we went to Grimaldi's in Brooklyn with P and his new flame, C. She seems very sweet, but not a redhead! We think he is color-blind. They are very comfortable and cozy together. She is an artiste, and draws pictures of people. He is a crazy comic who makes fun of his mother ;) Just kidding P, we know you have a firm grip on sanity. His mother has a famously gravelly voice and says to him when he calls, "I'm naked. I'd better go, because I'm making a puddle on the floor" (water, not urine).

For din-din we had pizza with extra cheese and garlic, while P & C had pizza with sausage and pepperoni. We were going to see Bewitched afterward, but it got to be too late and my flip-flop was chafing against my foot.

I'm almost done with Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim. It's pretty funny, but I still wish he (Sedaris) liked himself more. I want to give him a chocolate chip cookie or something.

Good night, dear blog...


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