Ladies, oil-free moisturizer and Burt's Bees lip gloss are your friends. I put some on and the years fell off. Although I feel compelled to point out that I am still in my 20s for another month or so.

Someone told D that he looked like Jerry Seinfeld. He said, "How many times have you heard that?" and D said, "That's the first time!" A few years ago, a model told him he looked like Emilio Estevez.

People I am told I look like:
1) Katie Holmes (a guy in a restaurant said this)
2) Alanis Morissette (aaahh! nooo! a construction worker said this, respectfully)
3) Natalie Portman (cool. My mother's friend said so. Sadly, I don't think I do aside from being dark-haired, dark-eyed and skinny.)
4) Faye Dunaway (but she's blonde!)
I don't like blondes, with a few exceptions.

Anyway, I got a nice rejection slip from Night Train today. The editor went into great depth about how my story was "conceptually interesting" but he didn't "fully" buy that my protagonist turned into a tree. It's fiction, people! Also, he suggested I start out the story with the protagonist already turned into a tree, and work backwards. That is not the best idea, in my opinion. I'm reminded of Jennifer Weiner's would-be agent in the past, who suggested she change the title of her first novel from "Good in Bed" to "Big Girl." No. She found another agent, and is doing quite well for herself.

He also said I added an "editorial" note, which, though he liked it, might not be welcomed by other editors. I scoured the file and saw that I had written "tiptoed (or tip-rooted)." The parentheses were intentional. It's called whimsy, people! But I took out the parentheses in case other editors might draw the same conclusion. Too bad it's already nestling in the to-be-read piles at several lit mags. D reassured me that he knew it was intentional. My writing teacher didn't bring it up, either, back when he read it.

At any rate, it's nice when they read the story and offer some feedback.

Ciao, to you tomorrow.


Anonymous said…
I think you look like bearette24(=
Bearette said…
hehe, i agree
i don't think i look like any of those people
BTW - love Jennifer Weiner's writing. I wish you much success with the book. Don't listen to the nay-sayers. Cheers!
Bearette said…
Thanks Tamara

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