We went to Valdino West with D's parents and sister for Father's Day. There was a yummy dog outside, but he left before I could pat him. The dinner was OK...Italian of course, his parents like that best. Sadly, they split a rack of lamb. I'm grateful my mother always orders vegetarian.

On the way home, my sister-in-law told me about a Hasidic Jew on NPR who led a double life (clubbing, joining a band) but it all ended when he got married and his wife condemned his lifestyle. Bummer.

I disagree with my father-in-law that The Brothers Karamazov is a good book. I thought it was dreadful. My mother-in-law also seemed puzzled when she asked me what I would do this summer. When I said reading, writing and yoga, she scrunched up her face. Needless to say, I find these activities more enjoyable than adding on to a summer house or getting Venetian blinds, but to each her own.

I'm planning on doing yoga school in the fall. If all goes well, I will soon be teaching.

Went bike riding around 11:30 pm. The path was mercifully free of tards at this hour. The falafel man on the corner of 10th and 28th said something to me coming and going (I think it was "Wake up," "How are you?" and "You want [...]?" while pointing to his food), but he was harmless. Even Scores West seemed quiet. Maybe there's not much demand for strip clubs on Sunday night. At one point two skanky women came out...one with black hair, the other one of those Hispanic women who try to dye their hair blonde and end up orange.

Talk to you later...


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