I saw some MSN headline that said "Giant popsicle melts, flooding NYC landmark." I didn't click on it though.

I cut into my pinky, just slightly, while slicing a mango earlier. The Band-Aid is making typing difficult.

Anywho (as Carpe would say), this blog entry is dedicated to a very special dog, Sarah. She lives on the 7th floor of my building. She's a miniature schnauzer with close-cropped gray fur ("for the summer," her mother says) and liquid brown eyes. When I saw her coming out of the elevator, I knelt down to pat her and she got so excited she jumped across my knees. Clear across. A doggie Olympic event. Yay!

We had dinner at Tien Garden, a vegan resto in the East Village with "Adventures of Tao" comic strips on the wall. D takes issue with the lack of decor but if you like healthy vegan stuff that tastes good, it's hard to beat. I had the "Special Nuggets" - bits of seitan or some other textured vegetable protein, mixed with broccoli, cauliflower and sundry other veggies in a peanut curry sauce. Yum! I also had one of D's seaweed rolls (tofu wrapped in seaweed and pan-fried. Much, much better than it sounds).

We saw the same stringy red-haired guy that my sister-in-law finds attractive. I say he's sweet and homely. He has tattoos on his minuscule biceps. He was saying to one of the other waiters how someone took money out of his bank account, so he couldn't pay his credit card bill, but he thinks "whenever something hairy happens, it's God above." Last time he recommended the lemon cake so much that I got it. It was good.

Special note on T-shirts. I saw a lot of weird ones tonight. A guy in a yellow T-shirt that said DUCKS in black; a guy in a T-shirt that said, "Things not to do on a date: 1) Look at other girls" (there were two other panels, which I didn't get a chance to read); and a guy at the resto whose T-shirt said LARGE AND IN CHARGE.


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