I woke up at the ungodly hour of 7:45 this morning, and wrote a short short about a woman made of stars. This may come in handy as Glimmer Train is having a short short story contest (under 2000 words). I will wait and let the story simmer though...can't send in a first draft!

Tonight before yoga, I will try making Indian cheese, or paneer. You take 2 gallons of whole milk (I felt decadent just buying it), boil it, then lower the heat and quickly add distilled white vinegar. Weird things will happen, wheys will separate from curds, then you pour the whole mess into a colander lined with a clean dish towel. The dish towel in question has an inkstain, but it's the cleanest one we've got...laundry day is coming up. With luck, the wheys pour out; then you tie the dish towel together, so the cheese-to-be is nestled in a nice ball; then you press the bag between two boards with a five-pound weight on top for 5 minutes or so, and then you've got your paneer. I'll proceed to make saag paneer (paneer with spinach and spices).

It's kind of cool being up this early. Too bad it will never happen again. D is still sleeping.


Anonymous said…
we are all made of stars! how'd the paneer turn out?
Bearette said…
hehe :) i guess it was kind of inspired by the moby song, maybe subconsciously...i'm making the paneer tonight, i'll let you know how it turns out!

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