
Thanks to Bdogg, for giving me something to blog about today. I took some pics of the snow, but was feeling altogether too lazy to upload them, and also the batteries for my ornery, diva camera are recharging. Overheard today:

Woman: Yeah, I wasn't gonna go today 'cuz there are like 12 inches of snow on the ground. (More like 2.)

Man: She said to me, "You make the strangest noises I've ever heard."

I also saw a dog named Saturn last night. According to her owner, it was her first snow, and she was very excited. I met a Yorkie today.

On to the meme. I may have done this before, but perhaps my answers have changed.

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.
1) St. Peter's Helpers
2) SFO Mom
3) Minivan Mom
4) Bdogg McGee
5) Bearette

Select Five People To Tag:
Zombieslayer (although he's probably done it already)
New Mezger
(Lisa was already tagged by Bdogg.)

What Were You Doing 10 Years Ago?
February 1996...I was a junior in college.

What Were You Doing A Year Ago?

Five Snacks You Enjoy:
1. Gala apples
2. D'Anjou pears
3. 365 brand cherry yogurt (available at Whole Foods)
4. acorn squash cooked with onions, coriander and nutmeg
5. oranges

Five Songs You Know All The Words To:
1. "Get into the Groove" - Madonna
2. "Open Your Heart" - Madonna
3. "Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)" - Eurythmics
4. "Like a Prayer" - Madonna
5. "Like a Virgin" - Madonna

Five Things You Would Do If You Were A Millionaire:
1. Pay off my law school debt, and advise people not to go (I do this anyway)
2. Collect degrees (massage therapy, psychology, etc.)
3. Get an apartment with a library like the one in "Match Point"
4. Get extra apartments in San Fran and maybe Miami (but not right on Ocean Drive, too loud)
5. Give lots of money to animal rescue shelters and ensure they have a no-kill policy.

Five Bad Habits:
1. Holding a grudge
2. Waiting too long to get my hair cut
3. Never going to the doctor
4. Temper
5. Occasional impatience

Five Things You Enjoy Doing:
1. Reading
2. Yoga
3. Cooking
4. Walking
5. Karaoke

Five Things You Will Never Wear Again:
1. Leather
2. Really high heels
3. My prom dresses
4. Fur (though I never did)
5. High-waisted jeans (I hope they don't come back)

Five Favorite Toys:
1. iPod
2. laptop
3. CDs
4. books
5. DVDs


Caro said…
I sense a Madonna theme there.
Yup. Already done that tag.

You wouldn't happen to like Madonna, would you? ;)

I like Fuji apples myself, but agree with you on the pears. Yummy.

Definitely get that massage therapy degree. I think if there was more massage in the world, there will be a lot less anger. :)
Bearette said…
hehe. definitely a madonna theme. her songs are easy to remember, somehow. i also remember most of faith (george michael) and the greatest love of all (whitney houston).

Anonymous said…
I think my answers from the first go-round still apply, so I'll pass on this one.

I agree about the acorn squash. Mmm.... which reminds me, I'll have to send you a great recipe for butternut squash-stuffed shells... also mmmmmm
Bearette said…
yum! thank you.

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