A bloggable experience

I was emailing a bit with Liz and she asked if my visit to the chiropractor yesterday was a bloggable experience. After some thought, I concluded it was ;)

I was having some back pain. I think I overdid backbends. I probably do too much yoga in general, and I kind of pop up into backbends, rather than coming to the top of my head first as Iyengar recommends. Believe me, I'll do it his way in the future.

So I went to a chiropractor, who was big, beefy and jolly. It was a small office, and there were no nurses or anything. I thought briefly, "If he rapes me, no one will hear my screams." But he seems like a really nice guy and I trusted him pretty much right off the bat. He does a lot of work with Iron Man athletes and enjoys it. He also said he sees lots of people who do yoga. You can tell he is really extroverted.

After some range-of-motion tests he concluded that I had a muscular strain, not a slipped or herniated disc (thank God; much harder to fix). He told me not to do any back extensions until I'm "100%." Then the fun began.

He put some little pads on my back and hooked them up to an electric current. This felt amazing. Then he ran a vibrating thing over my back, which for some reason made me think of a vacuum cleaner. Then he massaged my psoas (a hip flexor) while he had me bend my leg back and raise my arm. He thought this would hurt, but it didn't, so he said, "Aw, I'd be screamin' like a girl."

I felt much better leaving the office than I did when I went in. The doorman probably thought I did some drugs in there or something. Anyway, I go back on Friday, and he says my pain level should be 1 or 2 by then. He also gave me some pelvic tilts and knees-to-chest exercises to do, and recommended glucosamine chondroitin, which helps lubricate the joints. I bought some at Whole Foods.


Anonymous said…
Awesome! I want the electric current pads hooked up to the back of my chair at work. Maybe that would encourage me to sit up straighter.

(I had to be very specific about where and why I want the pads, lest I invite crude jokes...)

Bearette said…
hehe!! i want some too...he assured me that will be on the menu for friday ;)
Caro said…
I'm glad you feel better.

The scream comment cracked me up.
Ashley Beth said…
I'm sorry your back was hurting. That is no good. I'm glad to hear it's getting better. BE CAREFUL!!

Have fun with the current pads, Friday!
Bearette said…
Carolyn - ;)

New Mezger - Thanks! I am really looking forward to them ;)
Whoa. Any chance you could talk this guy to moving to the San Francisco area, California? The weather is nice.
Bearette said…
hehe! he is awesome. i went to him again today.
Lora said…
I use to have a lot of back problems and yoga definitely aggrevated it more than once. Of course, I've always had a tendancy to over do it, which didn't help.
Bearette said…
yup, it's the overdoing. i am definitely going to do less back stuff in my personal practice. also, hip openers can help with back pain, i learned today.

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