The odyssey

I had my last writing class last night, but I didn't get to go. It was almost as if circumstances were conspiring against me so I wouldn't get there.

First off, it was in a new location. Our original last class got canceled because of the MTA strike. Ironically (or unluckily? not sure what the difference is), that building was 3 blocks away from me and I would have made it fine by foot. The new location was in Soho, a part of town I don't know very well. It's best known for its shopping.

Anyway, I looked up the location - 424 Broadway - on Mapquest and chose a subway station. The station looked deceptively close on the map. I got off and started walking on Canal Street, but everything looked wrong. So I asked a girl if I was heading east, and she said, "I don't think so. That's New Jersey over there." So I thought, %^@#!^! and headed in the opposite direction. I went up Broadway, found I was going in the wrong direction, and turned around.

Finally I found 424. The problem was, it looked like a residence on one floor, and One Model Management on the other. Oops. Then I realized I was on West Broadway. Not regular Broadway. This is why I don't like lower Manhattan. It's confusing!

So I traipsed over to regular Broadway and found 424. It said, "Building open Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm." The writing class is at 7. I roamed around a bit, seeing if there was an entrance I missed, but nothing.

Then I thought, "Maybe it's 464." That was Daffy's. So I gave up and walked home. Checked my email at 9 pm...and it was on 494 Broadway all along.


The good news is, the girls from my class are going to continue to meet on Wednesday nights, so we can read each other's novels and give feedback. And we'll probably meet at my apartment! So I can't get lost.



Lisa said…
Been there, done that. Sorry!

How's the novel coming?
jules said…
I agree - Lower Manhattan can be quite confusing. I actually bought a "Downtown Pop-up Map" detailed street map one of the 1st times I did jury duty - comes in real handy for finding those little lunch joints all of the other times doing jury duty!

In other news, I recently started recording "The Dog Whisperer" !
Caro said…
You might not get lost but you get stuck having to clean your apartment. I think I remember you mentioned that you are a tidy person though so it shouldn't take a week like my place does.

I hate getting lost. You have my full sympathies.
Bearette said…
Lisa - It's good! The 8-part structure really, really saved my butt. It's pretty painless now.

Jules - What's the dog whisperer?

Carolyn - I'm actually used to it, I always had the yoga group over on Tuesday nights. I don't clean, per se, just make sure there are no socks or undies lying around the living room.
Anonymous said…
This definitely sounds like something I would do. I never do things like printing out the email with the address, taking a contact phone number with me, or asking the person who decided on the location where it's at! I'm worse than men.
Poppy said…
Ha! Having meetings at home certainly does solve the location locating problem. :)
Anonymous said…
Hehe. Once I was trying to find a meeting I was supposed to attend and I walked up and down the block looking for the building, not knowing that it was right next to me. Duh. Is it worse when you are in the right place and just don't realize it?
That's what taxis are for. New York was confusing to me, so I just took subways to get close, then taxis the rest of the ways. Those guys never seem to get lost. Besides, you might run into Robert DeNiro when grabbing a taxi. You never know.
Bearette said…
D'oh. I should have thought of that. Still, I would have had the address wrong.
Anonymous said…
Well done!
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Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Thank you! |

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