It's late and I can't sleep. Earlier today, AT and I went to TW's class...TW was my yoga buddy from the program. This was the first class taught by one of my peers from the program. It was great. It was slower and more hatha-style (i.e., spending a long time in each pose) than I had planned for my own class. But that was a relief in a way. For some reason I had feared that all our classes would be alike. Now I think that it'll be super to go to all the different classes (except for this one girl, who wears a bottle of perfume each day and I can't breathe around her, so I'll be skipping hers) and pick up things from each class. One thing that was unfortunate: she couldn't get the sound system to work. I think she was using a CD though. I'm just planning to plug my iPod into the stereo. That's what I did at my physical final and it worked out.

I'm going to try out a new studio where they offer a class called "Honey Flow"...1 hour "sweaty vinyasa," 45 minutes "sweet restorative." I like it (and almost anything that is described in food terms). The teacher (bowing down as I write this) is both a yoga teacher and a private chef. Is that awesome or what???

I'm reading "How I Stole Her Husband" by Liz Ireland. It has one of the most ridiculous covers in chick lit (and the ugliest shoes I've ever seen!!!) but I picked it up on a whim from the library. I also got "What Do You Do All Day?", "fiction" about a stay-at-home mom. Honestly, some people seem to slip into motherhood so easily and others seem to be boiling vats of discontent. I think it's crucial to wait till you're ready. Which I'm not. Though I like playing and hanging around with kids. On some level, I am one of them, and they sense that.

Woody Allen has a new movie coming out. "Match Point." It's in NYC already at a couple of theaters, and slated for broad release on Jan. 20. I can't wait to see it. I have some doubts about the casting. Scarlett Johanssen is supposed to be a "scarlet woman" of sorts who tempts Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (who was cute in "Bend it Like Beckham", but looks a little jowly here, at least in the previews, but we'll give him the benefit of the doubt) away from his marriage. Now, Scarlett doesn't seem to have the get-up-and-go or passion for the role...her face is one of the least expressive I've seen on an actress...but I'm willing to give it a go because it just looks really good. And critics are agreeing. "Rumor Has It" is another story...truly awful reviews. Guess I won't be seeing it.

And D and I went to Le Gamin on 9th and 21st this morning. They've changed their name to La Grenaille, and their menu now says "French toast" instead of "pain perdu." But it tasted the same and they got it ready a whole lot faster than they did in the past. I guess we won't need to defect to the Le Gamin on 15th St after all.

I patted a number of bulldogs today. There's one that hangs out in a salon with blinding white decor and a glass door. It looks through the door all day. It has an expression of deep melancholy. AT and I passed by there on the way back from yoga. A held the door open while I patted the doggy, who got up and sniffed my hand.


Anonymous said…
I don't think this is going to be a comment about your post, but I wanted to say I thought of you yesterday as I made a new soup! I got a Rachel Ray cookbook for Christmas and I made a spinach/tomato/potato soup that was wonderful. I was going to take a picture and post the recipe bearette-style, but I used up a lot of energy just cooking the thing!
Caro said…
I have a friend who bathes in perfume, at least it smells that way. It's truly offensive.

I got "What Do You Do All Day" at Christmas. Am a little over halfway through. She does a good job of catching all the conflicting emotions that mothers feel.
Bearette said…
Kit-Kat - Cool! Feel free to post the recipe any time ;)

Carolyn - I'm glad you got the book! I remember you were looking for it before. I've just flipped through it, since I haven't finished the book I'm currently reading. But it scared me a little :(
Anonymous said…
I love it...Honey Flow, Sweet Restorative...I, too adore food-described items.

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