Meme from Liz

1. What is one of your earliest childhood memories?

I remember this boy, Benjamin, chasing me around at my preschool, Living & Learning. (I was previously at a preschool run by nuns, but my mom took me out, realizing I was terrified by Sister Joan in particular). Benjamin would say, "Chugachugachoochoo!" as he chased me. I was scared by this.

2. What was your favorite toy?

I had a binky (translation: blanket) that I lugged around with me. It was little more than a frayed square of yellow cloth, but I loved it.

3. Was there something you always wanted for a birthday or holiday, but didn’t get?

I wanted a white mouse for Christmas in 1983, but I quickly got over this when I got a puppy instead.

4. What did your parents always say or do that drove you crazy?

I can't really remember anything.

5. What did you do as a little kid that would give you a heart attack if your own kids did it?

Like Liz, my answer involves swings. My friend Melissa and I used to go to the park and jump off the swings. This practice promptly ended when she twisted her ankle.

6. Was there a moment in your childhood that seemed mortifying at the time, but which seems kinda silly now?

Like Liz, my answer comes from first grade. We were having a Halloween parade at school, during school hours. We were sitting at our desks as the teacher blathered on. I wondered, "When are we going to change into our costumes?" No one was saying anything about that, so I thought, maybe we're supposed to change right at our desks, and it's just understood. I took my pants off and everyone started to look at me funny. OMG, this is still mortifying! At least I had cute panties. You know, the 6-year-old kind with little flowers.

7. Okay, admit it—tell us who you thought you were going to marry when you were in the under-twelve set.

Sean G and Scott R (boys from my school).


I had a stuffed dinosaur that I named Maune (pronounced Maine - I couldn't spell when I was five). Maune was my fav toy, equivalent to your Binky.
Anonymous said…
OMG, your answer to number 6 made me laugh so hard! Poor Bearette.

At least you were wearing panties. Once my sister (when she was around two) took off her underwear before we left for church, unbeknownst to my mother. While she was singing with the children's choir she lifted her dress and flashed the entire congregation.
Bearette said…
Zombieslayer - That's cute ;) Do you still have Maune?

Liz - LOL. Your sister sounds like a riot!
Anonymous said…
bearette, I think you just inspired me to write a post about Brad Loomis and Adam Wray--my future husbands.
Caro said…
Scary nuns! I've heard they can be.
SK said…
Ha! I had a scary nun experience too! Kinder and 1st I spent at a catholic school in Mexico. We weren't even catholic but that's another thing... I never got over it.

Do you remember a game called MASH? I forgot what all of MASH stood for but I know we had to name cars, places to live, apartment vs home, and boys we'd like to marry. Ha-ha. I found a book where my sister and I had written in the cover and along with Hawaii and Australia was YUROPE (pronounced Your opeee...). I tried to figure out what that was and then... I realized it was Europe but we didn't know how to spell it. Silly kids.
Caro said…
I remember MASH. I was always too stupid to figure out how to fold the paper right.

Can't remember what MASH stood for either.
SK said…
Yeah, I was going to say.. you always wanted a mouse, didn't you? Now you have one! :)

Carolyn- I found this website about mash!!!! I googled it:

Bearette said…
Hehe ;) He seems to be gone; D didn't see him last night at 4 am. Apparently that sonar stuff really works!
Bearette said…
I remember mash, and how we always played it with that thin math-problem paper.
Anonymous said…
When you played it, were you wearing pants?

Sorry, couldn't resist! ;-)
Lisa said…
The way we played it, MASH stood for Mansion, Apartment, Shack, or House. That was the first of the lists. We had some very complicated MASH games with pages of lists, as I remember.
Caro said…
Thanks lostintx.
Bearette said…
Liz - Hehe ;) of course!

Lisa - i never knew what it stood for!
Caro said…
I kept thinking about MASH today and laughing remembering how a girl would put a few "gross" boys in there. Then you would pick them and we all thought it was soooo funny.
Bearette said…
Oh yes...there was a boy at our school like that. I hope for his sake he is considered a stud now. I think that happens a lot, actually...

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