The gap between appearance and reality

So how was your Martin Luther King day? Mine was pretty mellow. I went to a yoga studio I'd been to once before. This class was taught by a teacher I'd never met before. So I went to the studio's website and read her bio. There was a picture. She was muscular and solid (the word "statuesque" comes to mind) with a wild mass of curly red hair.

I got to class and a very slight woman with freckles and straight, thin dark blond hair came in. I wondered, why didn't they call me to sub if the regular teacher couldn't make it? Then she said, "Hi, my name is ____." Same as on the website. Have you ever seen someone who looked 100% different from their picture in real life? Bone structure, hair color, height, everything? It was crazy.

It was a great class, though. Dancers often make great yoga teachers. They specialize in the slow, deep burn and very precise alignment. My mentor at yoga school said that "dancers learn through pain." I guess there is some truth in that. But it's not a bad kind of pain, necessarily; it just makes your body wake up.

Austin news! D and I are going to Austin from Jan. 27-29. I'm going to meet up with Bdogg, Lisa, Lost and New Mezger. If anyone wants to join us (Crystal? Liz?), let me know.


SK said…
Woo-hoo! Celebrate good times, Come on!
Poppy said…
Take good care of my girl B on her birthday. Sorry I can't join you all, we're saving our pennies for the porch we're having added to our house (big buck$). Tell us all about the trip when you get back, okay?! Then I can pretend I was there with you. :) :)
Frema said…
A meeting of the blogging minds! Please tell us there will be pictures!
Anonymous said…
I would LOVE to join you! I'm emailing Lisa tonight about it...
Bearette said…
Pictures will definitely be up.


As long as my digital camera doesn't misbehave. Then I'll whip it

*bad boy*

OK, signing off now.
Anonymous said…
Chances of flying to Texas that weekend are very slim, but be sure to tell me all about it!
Ashley Beth said…
YAY! Austin!

While there, I'm to show my mother-in-law how to blog. My explanation of blogging did not sufficiently entice her to the hobby.

Ashley Beth said…
oh - and I'll steal a digicam from the husband...just incase yours is in timeout for ill behavior. :-)
Bearette said…
hehe...good idea ;)
Lora said…
I'd love to crash the party too! Let me know what you have planned.
Bearette said…
Hey Lora - we are thinking of dinner Sat night, but haven't figured out where yet. I'll keep you up to date.

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