Yay! I found out today I got into a course I applied to. I know, I must be insane doing this on top of yoga school, but this class is (hopefully) only lecture and it's on Wednesday nights, which doesn't clash with anything. Plus it's really near my house. It lasts 8 weeks, excluding Thanksgiving.

It's called "Chick Lit: How to Write It, How to Get Published" and it's taught by an author, Stephanie Lehmann, who is also a literary agent! I read her latest book and liked it. The application involved a letter of interest and a writing sample, so I sent the first 1,750 words of my novel. The sample happened to end on a cliffhanger, always a good thing, I figured.



Frema said…
How exciting. Good for you!
Anonymous said…
Congrats! Sounds like a great class, something I should take!
Bearette said…
Thanks guys!

Caro said…
That is so awesome! I am so jealous of you and happy for you at the same time!
Bearette said…
Thanks C!

This place, www.mediabistro.com, also offers classes in Calif...San Fran and L.A.
Anonymous said…
Hooray! That sounds fun! Hopefully it will be the laid-back, fun learning experience that will balance out the tough yoga lessons. :)
Poppy said…
Wait, what? Your novel? So, it's not published yet, which is why you're taking the course? :) Let us know when it's published so we can buy it!!
Bearette said…
Hehe ;) Will do...
Lish said…
Congratulations! I'm excited for you!
Bearette said…
Thanks Lish!


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