
Every once in a while, I check my stats to see which cities appear and which searches people used to get here.

A while ago, I blogged about seeing some male underwear models doing a photo shoot on a roof (this was during the summer). That BY FAR is the most popular query. I can't count how many people have come to my blog by searching for "male underwear models." Oy.

But one today made me laugh. Somebody from Anchorage, Alaska visited me 14 times, and found me using this search: "Girlfriend is grossed out by cast iron pan."

These searches are like a mental snapshot, I think...a little view into other people's minds.


This suzy said…
I"ve gotten some really weird ones too. I know I got someone who found my blog by searching "Granna boobies." Ew.
Iamthebookworm said…
That's very unusual....
Bearette said…
Oh, man...
Mz.Elle said…
Heehee,I feel that way too.
Thanks for reminding me to go look at my stats!
Anonymous said…
Granna boobies? Sick.

I get a lot of people who seem to be searching for the lyrics to We Wish You a Merry Christmas...
Bearette said…
That's wholesome!

Yes, the granna one makes me slightly ill...
Tracy said…
You can see what searches people did to get to your page?? How do you do that?
How funny!!
Bearette said…
You just need to sign up with, then check your shows you what page they visited before yours. So if they visited Google before you, it shows what search they used to get to you :)

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