So last night was not that bad after all. In fact, it was much better than I expected. Maybe the key is low expectations ;) Although they say the opposite with childbirth pain - if you think you can't stand it, you can't; if you think it's manageable, you'll be okay.

We had dinner with DG at a restaurant with golden walls and a very kind owner, who said, "Can I say congratulations?" after I took my coat off. They gave us some strawberries and biscotti at the end, dusted with confectioners' sugar, just to be nice. My eyes were closing at the end, I was so tired, but DG thought a change in venue would invigorate me.

It did -- we proceeded to a party at a gorgeous apartment that costs $6700/month (sometimes the wealth floating around Manhattan freaks me out) and there was a sweet black Lab there who greeted us. This was the best-behaved dog I have ever seen. Most dogs bark, jump or freak out when there is company, but this one just wagged sedately, as if to say, "I am happy but discreet." Later they put him in one of the bathrooms -- I'm not sure why -- and he may have been a bit lonely. He was very happy to see me when I came in.

I decided I will probably get an epidural. Who am I kidding?


Anonymous said…
I'm glad your New Year's wasn't too terrible :) I'm surely no expert on epidurals, but my mom said she had both experiences (with epidural and without), and she said she preferred the natural. She said when she had the drugs, when they wore off, she felt a lot of pain (unconnected to anything because the birth was over) and it didn't make a lot of sense to her. When she did it naturally, she said her brain could make sense of the pain so it was more tolerable.

My mom is a little nuts, though.
This suzy said…
$6700 a month!! What does someone do for a living to even be able to afford something like that? Sheesh.

That lab sounds a really cool dog, the kind you should introduce to someone who's afraid of big dogs or something. :)
Bearette said…
Suzy - It's a couple sharing the rent, but Beautiful apartment, though.

Kitkat - I may opt for the epidural anyway :)
Caro said…
Honestly I'll be surprised if you get the epidural. You are very in touch with your body. If anyone can go natural you can.

Once I went to a party with a very well behaved, very tall lab. In fact the lab was tall enough to be on eye level with the food table.

When she assumed nobody was looking, she swiped her tongue out sideways and licked the mini quiches. That was really funny.
Mz.Elle said…
Aww your New Years sounds so nice,especially the dog part;)
Bearette said…
Caro - I love moments like that :)

Ms. L - it was :)
Anonymous said…
Wow! Did you ask how much the rent is, or did they volunteer the information? :)
Poppy said…
Yah, I can't get past the $6700/month. That's... redonk.

Happy New Year, Bearette and family-in-the-making!!!
Bearette said…
Liz - D ferreted it out :) He found out when I was talking to someone else. I think the woman may have freely volunteered it? I wonder if the dog comes with the apartment :) Then it would definitely be worth it.

Poppy - Happy New Year!
Iamthebookworm said…
What a sweet dog! I have not had children, and my sister just had the one but she loved the epidural. I can't remember how she felt afterwards, but I remember she was very tired and very happy.

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