So I got what will probably be my last ultrasound today. E is doing well and weighs 14 ounces. The technician said that was within normal range, but I knew that was a bit big ("Just a few days," she admitted). I keep wondering whether E will be a 7-lb baby (like D and his sister) or a 9-lb baby (like me and my bro -- my sisters were twins, so I chalk up their lighter weight to that). I think we have our answer. I always love plump babies. I just hope the day of reckoning is not too, too painful.

Anyway, everything looks good. I even got to see his manly bits. The technician and I both giggled, I don't know why. She even pointed a little arrow toward it.


Poppy said…
It made me giggle to think about you giggling, then made me giggle harder when I read the part about the arrow. :D :D :D
Bearette said…
:D I remembered after I typed it...when I was little, I asked my parents about the difference between boys & girls...I was told that boys were born with a "blue ribbon."
blackcrag said…
Oh sure, give E a complex already. Pointing an arrow to it no less!

Don't you know us guys are sensitive about girls giggling at our stuff?
Bearette said… was actually pretty impressive!
bdogg_mcgee said…
Yay! Do you have the ultrasounds of him? I'd love to see them! :)
Bearette said…
Bdogg - I do, actually, but they're just of his face -- they kept all the brain, kidney, limb, etc. ones for themselves. I'll try to take a picture of it later :)
Anonymous said…
It sounds wrong to call them manly bits. Maybe boyly bits? ;)

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