So 3 things happened today so far:

1) I was walking along and saw Ethan Hawke again. He must either live in my neighborhood or have a special fondness for it. This time, he was talking with some guy (not famous) and telling what sounded like a story of frustration. "Just rack it up!" he said as I passed. He was wearing a navy blue skullcap and looked a bit gaunt. I was tempted to offer him a sandwich or switch some pregnant poundage from my body to his.

2) Before I saw Ethan (yeah, we're on a first-name basis now), I looked up at the sky and thought: If it's going to be so gray and oppressive, could it at least snow? A few minutes later, a fluffy white powder started drifting down (and no, it was not dandruff). Pretty cool, huh?

3) I've been wanting to get back to knitting. But I have enough knitted goods for an army (one with a secure sense of masculinity, since many of my hats are pink). So I decided I could make something for someone else. Then I realized it's going to be someone's birthday soon. So I bought some Wool-Ease Thick and Quick in red and a pair of size 13 needles (which I might already have, but I didn't feel like making a return trip). I thought I'd forgotten how to cast on but was relieved to find out that my hands remembered. I'll try to post a picture of the scarf when it's done.


Silverstar said…
Ethan Hawke? Interesting. You must see a few celebrities in your area.:)
I wish I could knit, but I could never get the hang of it. I'd love to see the scarf when its done though.:)
Caro said…
Are you going to knit a blanket for E before he comes too?
Bearette said…
I'm thinking about it. They probably take so long, in June, E will probably be hot.
This suzy said…
Tell Ethan I said hi. And I loved him in Dead Poets.
Anonymous said…
The last time Ethan Hawke didn't look gaunt was in... Dead Poets Society?
Bearette said…
True. I should've given him that sandwich.

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