So I just saw Cassandra's Dream, Woody Allen's little-publicized but excellent new movie. It was a Greek tragedy involving 2 brothers (Colin Farrell and Ewan McGregor)/psychological thriller, set in London. One critic described it as "relentlessly dark -- not a laugh in the whole thing", but there were moments of mild humor. It was definitely a drama, though -- not a comedy. If you like Hitchcock or enjoyed Match Point, this is probably right up your alley.

Senseless fear #101 - I was eating a bar of Toblerone during the movie. Then my teeth started zinging. I thought, "I've heard of things being so sweet they make your teeth hurt -- but this can't be right." Then I realized I was chewing on tinfoil. I sheepishly removed a bit of tinfoil from my mouth. My teeth stopped zinging. I chewed the remaining chocolate and swallowed it.

Then I started worrying: What if I didn't get it all? What if this hurts E? But I reasoned that my teeth STOPPED ZINGING. And nothing sharp went down my throat. Hence, there was no tinfoil left. Right?

Seriously, if I could get a worry lobotomy, I would do it.

I think what makes me worry like this (and it is much less constant than it was in the beginning) is the vulnerability of a baby. It feels like I am entrusted with the duty of protecting him. But then I think of all the mothers (mine included) who smoked, drank and probably went bungee jumping. And we're all okay. I think ;)


This suzy said…
That's kind of funny that the tin foil made your teeth zing! I've never heard of that.

And I'm sure little E is fine. :)
Bearette said…
I hope so :) He's certainly been moving around a bunch.
blackcrag said…
My older sister worried if the smell of bleach would harm her bairn in the bellly.

Babies are more durable than many new mothers think. If they weren't we wouldn't have deveolped as a species from far more primative times than these.
LadyPeter said…
My friend, I want a lobotomy all the time, without having a bebe to worry about! =) You're in (good?) company.
Silverstar said…
Its normal to worry but I'm sure your baby will be fine. They're tough little things. :) (Or so I hear anyway)
Anonymous said…
I'm pretty sure they make candy-wrapper foil harmless because people since the beginning of time (candy time) have been accidentally swallowing it :) My teeth also zing when I chew on foil. I discovered that when I was little.

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