So I picked up 4 books at the library today:

Exit Ghost by Philip Roth. So far it seems to be primarily about incontinence, but what the heck. I generally like his books except when he's in rambling, hyper-political mode. This one seems to be in concise, pithy mode.

Intuition by Allegra Goodman. I kept seeing this book everywhere so it nudged itself into my consciousness and I put it on hold. I don't know if the science angle will grab me...but hopefully the characters will be interesting enough that it won't matter.

Acceptance by Susan Coll. I've had this one on hold for a year and a day. Not literally. But long enough.

The Birth House by Ami McKay. Historical novel about midwives...probably not as good as Bohjalian's Midwives, but then again, what is? :D

Went to the restaurant with the Justin Timberlake shrine last night. Somebody defiled the glass case with the Justin figurine inside. They scratched something in graffiti language into the glass. So management retaliated by slipping a little blue card into the case:

We appreciate your creative output, but...


What did he ever do to you, anyway?

They have a Boy George bathroom downstairs, but no one has attacked George yet.


This suzy said…
Sometime you'll have to sneak a picture of those restrooms. lol
Anonymous said…
A Boy George bathroom? At least it wasn't George Michael.

Your post reminds me that I need to get to my library and get a library card! Then again, I already own several books that are still unread, so I need to get to those first I think.
Bearette said…
Get the won't regret it ;) That thing is such a lifesaver for me. Though I wish they weren't closed on Sundays.
Bearette said…
Suzy - I was planning to, then they had to ruin it all with graffiti! ;)

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