So I meant to go swimming today, but I couldn't because I wasn't able to put down Towelhead by Alicia Erian. It was definitely riveting. When I originally bought it, I thought it was a memoir, and quickly saw when I got home that it was fiction. I'm glad that it was!

Anyway, the time melted away as I finished the book, and I never made it to the pool. I felt the need to do some exercise before dinner (other than the walk D and I took earlier, to a Thai place for lunch, and my walk to the library), so I popped in a yoga DVD. I've found that pregnancy is somewhat limiting with yoga...some of the poses are out, either because of discomfort or because different books advise against them. And also, I just found myself gravitating toward swimming. But I did enjoy today's yoga. I think I can embrace it in this different form, even if I like being in the water a little better. On that note, I should probably get the salsa dancing DVD, because some days I won't be able to make it to the gym to swim!

D found a zoo in Australia that lets you hold koalas, and he wants to go there. I went to the site, which I can't remember now, and found a wombat, too. The zoo has a couple of wombats, Boris and Natasha. The site explains that they have a long-term relationship like people do and occasionally have disagreements. At those times, they sleep in different logs. (It did say "in," not "on.") I wonder what they disagree about. Did he look at other wombats? Did he eat too much of her grass? Did she nag him to tidy up the log? When they're getting along (which is most of the time, I think), they sleep in the same log.

For a picture of a wombat, go here.


This suzy said…
We have some family friends who traveled to Austrailia maybe 5 years ago and I remember seeing a couple pictures of them holding koalas. It looked so cool!! I don't remember where they were now, though.
Bearette said…
I think these koalas are in Brisbane. It does seem like a fun place to go...only the length of the flight is a bit scary ;) But we'll probably go anyway, someday.
Roxanne said…
I loved Australia when I travelled there with the high school band. We went to one of those animal parks where you got to get up close and personal with the animals. You had to pay extra to get your pic taken with the koalas. I was tempted until some of our people came back and said it wasn't quite the experience they had expected (not trying to scare you off). The staff at the park said you had to be careful not to alarm them in any way or they could scratch or attack. And I guess their hair is not soft and cuddly. Of course these were the adults. Too bad they don't let you hold the babies. I bet they'd feel lucious. :) (again, this was just second hand info...I took lots of cute, cuddly photos from afar).
Bearette said…
Wow! Good to know. I'm still high school band just went to Hershey Park and Disney World ;) Not bad, still. But Australia is pretty cool.
Caro said…
Maybe they fight because she doesn't clean her hair out of the sink.
Lisa said…
I've been to that zoo. I seem to remember that it was in Brisbane or near Brisbane, but I'm way too lazy to look up the name right now. I got a picture of me holding the koala. It was so cute and soft and cuddly---like a little stuffed toy. But the staff did warn us to be still with the koalas because they are easily startled.
Elsa said…
I read Towelhead last year and felt the same way. I couldn't put the book down. It was disturbing, but soooo good.

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