Nips and grays

This will be a short, somewhat incoherent post b/c I'm tired, but I wanted to jot a couple of things down...

1) Went to visit Rainer (I saw him a few times recently but didn't blog about it, because while it was fun to see him, nothing unusual happened). Today he was kind of jumpy and actually nipped my hand when I was talking to DG. It may have been a bid for my full attention...but I was annoyed! He acted like he didn't do anything wrong, and stayed on my lap. I got up shortly thereafter because my legs were asleep, and honestly...I was a little mad! Then he prowled around the bookstore, lay down so I could rub his belly, and got on my lap again. He acted like nothing had happened - purring, rubbing his head against my sleeve, etc. But still....why did he nip me? It wasn't hard enough to break the skin, or leave a mark, or even hurt really...but it was bad! Now I feel like I'm in an abusive relationship. I should've said, "No, Rainer. BAD!"

2) On the subway ride home I confessed to DG (D already knows) that I stopped dying my hair (I'd been using henna to cover the grays). Since it's herbal, it's safe to use during pregnancy, but my sense of smell is heightened, and that stuff kind of reeks. Plus, it would interfere with my swimming...I might have to skip a day and I really like my swimming. (The reason it would interfere: you have to leave the henna in for a certain amount of time, then rinse it, then leave it in 24 hours, then shampoo it. I'm assuming you shouldn't douse it in chlorine during the 24-hour period). Anyway, DG had noticed the grays, but said it looked good, and D said he could only notice in the harsh subway lighting when he was looking down on the crown of my head. It's true, for some reason, the grays are all on the top of my head.

So I don't know whether to dye it or not. Honestly, it's a pain in the neck and I've become rather laissez-faire about the whole thing. But I also feel like I should dye it if it's gray enough to notice. Gah!

What would you do?


Silverstar said…
I'm assuming Rainer is a cat in which case I can suggest a possible reason for why he nipped you. I've owned cats for several years and have experienced the same thing. Sometimes cats when they are overly excited will bite you. Its nothing personal, its just their weird way of expressing over stimulation and that they want you to stop petting them in whatever way you were doing.
Bearette said…
Yes, he's a cat :) Thanks for the insight into their behavior. I've been a dog person for years and Rainer is my first "cat friend."
Anonymous said…
1) My comment about Rainer is the same as silverstar's. My boy cat occasionally snaps at us when we pet him. We just let him be--put him down if he's on my lap or just walk away. He'll calm down.

2) I say, go au naturale! At least until your sense of smell goes back to normal, or until you feel like you need a break from swimming.
Anonymous said…
Your comment about the chlorine and the swimming reminds me of the movie "Legally Blonde" when she figures out the daughter killed the dad b/c she had gotten a perm that day and then claimed to have taken a shower. Elle said, "Isn't it the first cardinal rule of perm maintenance that you are forbidded to wet your hair for at least 24 hours after getting a perm at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?"

Too funny.

Meanwhile, I think you should relax and enjoy this time period with no henna. Keep up your swimming if it makes you happy.
Bearette said…
Well, I guess that's two votes for no henna. I'm glad about that because I really don't want to do it.

I forgot all about that moment in Legally Blonde - the key to the murder!
Tracy said…
I agree with the others on the cat niping. My old cat actually went into fits where he would attack me... but my current one just likes to nip at my legs in the morning if I don't pet her long enough before getting out of bed to go to the potty. I'm going to have to start setting my alarm earlier...
And Rainer must like you if he didn't try to eat your arm when you rubbed his belly...

I found a grey hair the other day... I pulled it out. I suppose that only works for so long... and then there are too many.
I say do whatever makes you feel good. If you'd rather swim than not have grey hair, do it!!
I actually saw a woman at the salon not too long ago who was having her hair dyed grey. She said if she was going to go grey, she wanted it to be "that pretty shade of grey"... lol!
Okay... now that I've typed a novel...

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