So D and I had a fabulous dinner. I was off swimming and he called Babbo to see if they had a table available. Turns out they had a last-minute cancellation and could accommodate us at 5:30. Pregnant women like to eat early and often, so I was up for it (after a little concern about the non-vegetarian-ness of the menu. AND they broke D's "household pet" rule -- they had rabbit on the menu. But he wanted to go anyway.)

We've been there before, but tonight was our best experience there. We sat upstairs, away from the hustle and bustle. Two tall, thin bookcases filled with wine stood against the walls. The women's bathroom had a tub of pretty flowers. I ended up getting:

roasted beets with ricotta salata (though D's appetizer, a mushroom crepe with vinaigrette, was better and I need to remember to get that when we go back. Neci con funghi mista, I think it was called).
pumpkin lune (homemade pasta stuffed with pumpkin, in a moon shape, hence the name)
chocolate hazelnut cake with hazelnut gelato (the gelato tasted like the very best coffee ice cream. I forgot how much I like coffee ice cream. I shared the dessert with D).

Also, they brought us some chickpeas, also in vinaigrette, served on bruschetta, as an appetizer, and just for fun, they brought us some chocolate and vanilla meringue cookies, very cute and small, and a sliver of biscotti at the end of the meal. It was marvelous :)


Roxanne said…
YUM!!! I like the idea of the tub full of flowers. Was it better than Justin staring at you while sitting on the pot? ;)
Bearette said…
Definitely ;) Though I do like the Boy George bathroom (downstairs from Justin).
Mz.Elle said…
Ooooh that all sounds very delish.
Anonymous said…
Sounds delicious. :)

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