Since you asked...

Here I am. 18 weeks.

I tried putting up a side shot too, but I couldn't orient it correctly on Blogger for love or money. Even though it was rotated properly when I saved it, Blogger kept flipping it on its side. So there you have it.


Poppy said…
AWWWW! You look beautiful! Yay! More photos as you continue growing, please!
Bearette said…
Thanks :) I will do that. My belly button hasn't popped yet, though ;)
Roxanne said…
Give it time, give it time. I just knew that you'd be a "cute" pregnant (versus the whale look that I had). :)
Bearette said…
I'm glad you think so :) I definitely felt whale-like after that Pizzeria Uno meal.
Anonymous said…
Awww look at you! Such a cutie with your lil baby bump! Positively glowing!
This suzy said…
What a cute baby bump!! Thanks for the picture. :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, guys! Feeling better about my weight gain now :)
Anonymous said…
Weight gain? Oh, please. It looks like you ate a large grape. :)
Bearette said…
That's a fun image :)
Mz.Elle said…
You look awesome!
I love your shirt too:)
Anonymous said…
It's true! You look sooo beautiful.

Hi baby boy! Can't wait to welcome you into the world! (Well I can wait another 22 weeks or so. I don't mean to rush you :-))
Caro said…
You look wonderful. You are one of those ladies who is thin everywhere else and has a cute little bump. Awwwww.

Like Roxanne, I did the whale.
blackcrag said…
"My stomach is starting to precede me into a room."

Oh, please, you're barely even showing.
Elsa said…
Look at you!! You look awesome!! I really am so happy for you :)
Anonymous said…
You look so healthy and beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us!

And I just have to say this. Whenever you talk about your belly button "popping" out, I get an image of a meat thermometer! Haha...sorry. I couldn't help but share that. Maybe it'll pop when you're "done."
Bearette said…
Hee! I hope it doesn't pop that far out ;)

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