Per Bdogg's request...

Here are some pix from my ultrasound yesterday. Both pictures show E's profile...the technician also took lots of shots of his brain, kidneys, etc., but she had to hold onto those.

As I was leaving the imaging center, there were gale-force winds...but just on that block. It was the strangest thing. I was practically blown back into the building. There were garbage bags and boxes piled by the curb, and the wind was strong enough to slam one of the (full) boxes against my leg! Fortunately, once I took a right onto another street, the weather was completely normal and the crazy wind seemed like a dream.


Silverstar said…
Great pictures of the baby! Looking forward to seeing more.:)
The winds have been bad lately, I almost got 'blown away' yesterday.
Anonymous said…
The wind you're describing reminds me of that movie with Diane Lane and Richard Gere (can't think of name) where she's blown over by the wind in NYC and meets a handsome guy....and begins to cheat on her husband. It was on tv the other night and only got to watch just a bit of it....but it looked pretty good.
bdogg_mcgee said…
I think that movie is called "Unfaithful," or something like that...

LOOOOOVE the pics of E! Thanks for sharing them! :)
Bearette said…
Yup, that's what I was thinking (just from the cast). I haven't seen it yet, though.

Caro said…
What a sweet little profile.
Roxanne said…
Aaawww! I can't wait to see him in color. :)

That movie was pretty good. I think I remember some excellent twists and turns along the way.
Anonymous said…
E has a cute nose. :)
Bearette said…
Thank you :) The technician was very taken with him.
Ashley Beth said…
Congratulations Bearette! He's so handsome! ;)
Elsa said…
Pretty clear pics for ultrasound. Cute! :)
This suzy said…
How cool to see the pictures!! When are you due again?

I saw Unfaithful. It was interesting, but I'm not sure how much I liked it, and I can't quite even put my finger on why. Quite a review, I know. lol
Bearette said…
Suzy - June 10. Yes, I heard from someone that it was not good. My guess is it's probably a downer b/c of what Richard Gere did to the boyfriend. (Yes, my informer gave the whole plot away ;)
Tracy said…
Ooooh... cool! I've never seen an ultrasound that actually looked like a real little person!!!
How exciting!
jules said…
Sorry I've been so out of the loop! But I take it you are pregnant! Congratulations to you & your husband!

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