Today was kind of an exhausting day. I feel like I have too many things going on, and it all kind of caved in on me. Feeling better now though (I think).

I switched gyms from NYSC to Crunch. Crunch is more fun, with its pink and purple splashes of color. Their classes are a real workout. Supposedly my location also has ride-in can spin and watch a movie at the same time. But there doesn't seem to be a marquee in the spin studio, like there's supposed to be. Oh well.

I am trying to refrain from too many snarky comments on the Oscars, but I must ask:

1) Does anyone think Jon Stewart is funny?
2) Was Crash even a good movie?

On a more positive note, I am psyched that Philip Seymour Hoffman won the award for Best Actor (even if I did think his mother was his girlfriend) and Queen Latifah is always fun.


Bearette said…
maybe. the academy takes it personally.
Anonymous said…
I don't watch John Stewart much, but I did think Crash was a good movie.

I didn't see any of the awards last night, but I heard some people were actually crying because Brokeback Mountain got the shaft--??
bdogg_mcgee said…
Apt choice of words, Liz--"Brokeback Mountain got the shaft."

Hee hee.

I haven't seen Crash yet, but want to because everyone who's seen it says it is a really good movie.

Oh, and I thought Philip Seymour Hoffman's mom was his girlfriend too...she looks SO young!

Go to MSN and look at all the photos of the dresses. Man, there were some stinkers this year!
Lisa said…
I have some catching up to do this morning!

I thought Crash was meh. There were some good performances and good moments, but it didn't hold together as a whole.
SK said…
I agree, Crash was a good movie. I don't even know what awards it won (I've been refraining from the tube) but I watched it at the theatre and then again in one of my sociology classes. I plan to buy it... one day.
EdotR said…
Jon Stewart had some awkward moments at the silence...Crash was a good movie...and Philip Seymour nailed Capote to the tee!!
Ashley Beth said…
I loved Crash. I didn't watch the awards, so I have nothing else to offer to this comment.
Bearette said…
bdogg - she looked younger than him! or so we thought.

liz - i remember brokeback won something, i'm just not sure what ;) the clips made me not want to see it.
Caro said…
I've never watched "Crash" or John Stewart. Maybe I'm a little out of touch, just a little.
Mike said…
Yeah, didn't see Crash, the Oscars, Capote, ummm, I only saw Chicken Little and The Constant Gardener...
Anonymous said…
Didn't see Crash either, but Jon Stewart is hilarious--just not at the Oscars. He was sort of out of his element I think.
verniciousknids said…
I haven't seen any of these movies - as they haven't been released in Japan yet. I'll give you my opinion in about hmmm 6 months?!

I LOVED Reese's dress:)

BTW I think that "Crunch" is a brilliant gym name.
Anonymous said…
Jon Stewart: I've never really seen much Jon Stewart b/c I don't have cable, but what I've seen he's pretty funny. But I agree with KitKat that he definitely seemed out of his element. It came across as flat alot of times. And a few moments of almost dead silence. But he definitely had me going when he was saying, "I like my cowboys straight!" etc...and then they busted into that homoerotic montage! Too funny.

Crash: I didn't see it. But I heard it was amazing. Capote was great though.
Bearette said…
Kitkat - maybe i'll have to give him another chance then.

VK - isn't it fun? it makes me think of cereal :)

leah - capote rocked my world!
Bearette said…
oh, i realized brokeback mountain got best adapted screenplay.
Lish said…
Hi Bearette! I must again apologize for my absence as of late. I only have about an hour, if that, of computer time and day. I just can't keep up with everything. I thought John Stewart was sort of boring during the Oscars, but the Oscars usually are. I do like his show though. My friends and I are going to a taping of it when we are in NY this weekend. If you are free, I would love to meet up with you sometime. I should have gotten back with you sooner. I'm sorry. Bad Blogger, Lish! We will be there Thursday through Sunday. Also, Crash was a very good movie. Very moving. It really makes you think about your own behavior.

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