New York blogger encounter

I met Lish and some of her friends from work today. Lish, another Austinite, was in the area, and we got together for brunch. I had a great time except that I was slightly bummed about some credit card fraud. You see, someone wrote a "convenience check" for $99.99 using my credit card number (unrelated to the PayPal business some months ago, which seemed to blow over without any harm) and I also got a $5 "transaction finance charge". I straightened the whole thing out after brunch, changing my credit card number and reporting the fraud, but I guess it was stressing me out because I started seeing spots in front of my eyes at brunch. That always happens to me before a migraine. I've actually only had them three times:

1) in high school, when this guy asked me, "Did you start your paper?" and I hadn't realized one was due;
2) the first night of my 5-year college reunion. Not sure why;
3) and this.

I hate migraines, the steel-band feeling around your forehead and eyes, but Tylenol has dulled the edges.

One of Lish's friends told me, shortly after I sat down, "We all want to move to New York!" I thought that was cute. The weather was gray and drizzling, but it didn't seem to dampen their enthusiasm.

I had another audition yesterday. It seemed to go well. The people I taught were a little less experienced than I'm used to, but I actually liked that. Maybe I should teach basics classes. Anyway, they enjoyed the class, and afterward one of the women told me about her massage therapist, a big, menacing man named Fluffy. Well, it's his nickname, but they told me "he's anything but."


Caro said…
That stinks about the credit card. People that steal stuff should work as hard at a real job, and they might get ahead in life.

I wish I lived on the East Coast. Lovely, lovely snow.
Bearette said…
their diligence is impressive ;)
Elsa said…
Hope your migraine is better.

I took a yoga class once and loved it - I don't know why I never continued! If I lived in NY, I'd take your class :-)
Bearette said…
Thanks! That's really sweet :)
verniciousknids said…
After all the SATC reruns I've watched, I want to move to New York too!

Elsa: your avatar is so cute :p
jules said…
I've dealt w/some fraud issues myself like that. Had to alert the credit bureaus etc. I have all the info on what you need to do about this if you need it!

Hope you're well! Maybe we can meet for coffee sometime in the near future!
Bearette said…
Thanks! I think I'm all set re the fraud, but I'll let you know if I have any questions.

We should definitely get together sometime...maybe for brunch instead of coffee, since caffeine makes me off the wall ;)
Lora said…
Migraines totally suck. I wish that I could count the number I've had. A strong cup of coffee as a chaser on that Tylenol really helps and some carb loading.

It's wonderful to see the town you live in from a visitors perspective every now and them. I don't think I ever properly thanked you for coming to Austin and getting us to arrange GABE. I've really had fun with the people I met there and am excited at the prospect of you coming back down in July. You can't swim in Town Lake, but there's always Barton Springs and lots of other places to keep cool.
Bearette said…
awesome! that sounds super fun. i want to make my way to the esopus here in ny someday, too.

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