Oof. I'm tired. I'm probably going to go to bed really soon.

Went to IM's yoga class with AT. IM is my favorite teacher. AT loved the class too. He did his first tripod headstand and took a tumble! He said it didn't hurt at all, it was just a forward roll. I'm so tentative with my headstands and almost always use the wall because I hate the idea of falling. I should have tried it on the beach, with sand for a softer fall.

So I heard about yet another yoga teaching opportunity. The manager at LL sent me and the other yoga school grads an email, describing this other place that's looking for teachers. The teacher seekers were really cagey about it; no phone number, no email, just the address. So I went on over. The whole place was locked up! There was a notice on the wall saying that one teacher would be out till March 19th, and until then the "doga" class was canceled.

NOTE: "Doga" is yoga with your dog. I wonder if the dog actually does the poses, or just wanders around the studio. They also welcome dogs at regular classes.

So I took a schedule from the box outside, went home and called. Got the answering machine, left a message, asked if they were closed, etc. Then later I looked at the schedule and saw that they have no classes in the 2:00 region, which is when I went.

D'oh. I should have looked at the schedule before making the call. Oh well. I am used to studios that are open all day.

In other news, tomorrow I have a 5-minute audition at one of the NY gyms. 5 minutes?? So I'll do a little sequence because there's not time for much more. Also, there's supposed to be a bunch of snow tomorrow.


Caro said…
Dogs are yoga naturals. They bend in ways that humans never can.
Anonymous said…
Alex does some interesting yoga-like moves at home but I laugh at the thought of him in a class with me. He's got too much young-pup ADHD. :)

The other day I was using my big exercise ball to do push-ups (I start by laying on the ball on my stomach, then rolling forward until just my ankles are on the ball and I'm supporting myself with my arms). Alex ran into the little "cave" that was created under my torso and kept poking his face in mine. I started laughing so hard that I fell off.

Hardwood floor. Ouch. ;)

Good luck on your audition!
Bearette said…
Capybaras - thank you :)

C - it might be fun to see them in action.

Liz - hehe ;) i bet he does a little forward stretch/backward stretch. dogs are so silly when you exercise! :)
Lisa said…
Doga. Hee!

Have a great audition!
Anonymous said…
I guess it give a new meaning to downward dog--And I realize I'm not the only one who thought of that pun! Good luck at the audition.
Bearette said…
Thanks, everybody!

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