So I subbed today at a new place. It went well, though I was nervous for a variety of (silly) reasons beforehand. For example, the place I usually teach is shaped like a big square, and this place is a long rectangle. (I know, I'm weird.) And the class was 90 minutes, instead of 75 like I'm accustomed to, so I had to lengthen my playlist. Two minutes before I had to leave, I was scrambling to import some Madeleine Peyroux tunes. I got her CD, inspired by Crystal's mix, and it was great. (I also got Aberfeldy's CD a while back, and Feist's CD more recently.)

It turned out that Madeleine Peyroux's French jazz is a great choice for yoga. The students were very serious, so the chemistry of the class was different. However, one of them loosened up and giggled at one point, and a guy at the end of class asked me where I usually taught, so I told him about LL and my next class. So who knows, I might even develop a following! :)

D likes to have fun with the grocery list. I had written "garlic" and he added:

a silver cross
a stake
skim milk


verniciousknids said…
I love the addition of skim milk - obviously Dracula needs to maintain his six pack :p
bdogg_mcgee said…
D, you're fabulous!! :)

Glad things are going well!
Anonymous said…
How would you feel about other shapes? Like would teaching in a circular room be more soothing? And yes, I think the cross & stake are great additions to any transylvanian grocery list!
Bearette said…
VK - hee! I love vampires.

El vampiro - i actually didn't have an essentialist objection to the rectangle, i just thought i'd be mushed up against the students ;) a circular room, now that would be interesting...
Anonymous said…
I remember when "puppy" made it on the list once...
Bearette said…
we still need to get one of those ;)
Lisa said…
You DO need a puppy!

Lost and I heard a GABE song this weekend---during Failure to Launch! (I forget the title of the song, but it's the one that has the line "Dance me to the end of love.")
Bearette said…
That's the title of the song...sung by madeleine peyroux :)

was the movie good?
Lisa said…
Very, very funny. Definitely recommend. I may even go see it again.
Anonymous said…
I love that list! You guys are too cute.
SK said…
It was a great movie! Except, as I commented to Lisa, SJP's squealing gets on my nerves. It's like she's trying to be too girly.

I seem to have a new found love for Matthew again. For a while I was disillusioned with the hair plugs but he seems to be getting better! A little too tanned but otherwise grrrreat. ;)

When we heard the song in the movie Lisa and I immediately turned and looked at eachother with huge grins ! It was funny.. we knew a song!

We also saw a preview for the Jack Black movie that's coming out in the summer.. it looks freakin' hilarious!
Lisa said…
Both MM and SJP went a little too heavy on the spray tans. Of course, we know who my heart belongs to! :-) (And he was adorable in FtL)
Poppy said…
Bearette, awesome! I hope you do have a following!! :)
Caro said…
Yay, it sounds like you're doing great!
Bearette said…
Thanks, C & P.

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