I did it!

I had my audition. I went to the gym in question. Maybe because of the bad weather (cold things falling persistently from the sky), there were only 5 people initially. The auditioneer (Bearette word for the woman who would be watching us) explained that we would each have 5 minutes; she wouldn't hire anyone on the spot; she'd let us know via email. I asked about iPods - we'd been told we could bring them - and she explained that they no longer had wires to connect them to the stereo, because people kept stealing the wires. Oh well. And then we began.

First up was a nice gay man who taught "stretching", a blend of yoga, ballet and aerobics. He loved it so much that it was impossible not to smile. He played some Brazilian music in the background, which was nice and bouncy.

Then there was a Pilates girl who kept telling us to do a C-curve. I don't like to round my back that much!

Then I went. I did a tree-Warrior III-eagle type deal (vrksasana-virabhadrasana III-garudasana for the Sanskrit scholars among you). It struck me later that it's interesting that I love the balancing poses so much. You basically have to be calm and focused to do them. Warrior III, for example - you're on one foot with your torso parallel to the ground and your hands interlaced behind your back. So it's a good nervousness-dispeller.

Next up was another yoga person with a German accent ("You vill put your right foot back").

Then another girl went, and a girl with a flushed face burst in, asking if she could still go. She did her routine, and then the auditioneer said she'd get back to us via email.

The latecomer: YOU'LL TELL US NOW???

Auditioneer: No, you missed my whole spiel.

Latecomer: Ohmigod, I'm so sorry, I'm from California, I totally underestimated how long the taxi would take...


Anyway, I feel like it went well. Even if I don't get it, it will be valuable practice. And maybe I'll get it :)


SK said…
OMG! yours sounds the most impressive.. although a german accent my persuade me. Well, any accent for that matter.. :)

Hope you get it!
Caro said…
I hope you get it. It sounds like it's between you and the happy man!

And people like that girl are what makes everyone think Californians are such idiots.
Bearette said…
Hee! Thanks :)
Lora said…
Oh! Good luck. The balancing poses are my weakness. Probably for the same reasons that you love them, you have to be calm and focused to do them.
Poppy said…
Yay, Bearette! I'm sending good thoughts your way!
Bearette said…
Thanks P.
Michelle said…
Good luck! I hope you find out soon, the wait can be so excrutiating!

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