
Ugh. I can't sleep. I think part of it is an epiphany I had in the cab. I will explain.

As most of my regular readers know, I used to be a lawyer. It was a thoroughly rotten experience. And whether it should have or not, it scarred me. D said, "I don't know why it had such an impact on you," but it did.

Am I highly sensitive? Yes
Am I sometimes a drama queen? Yes

Those things acknowledged, I still wouldn't wish my legal experience on anyone. It was truly awful.

And I remember when D and I started dating, and it was still a long-distance relationship. He would come up to Newton, MA to see me and I would come to Manhattan to see him. I remember riding on the bus and how excited I felt to see the buildings rushing by.

And the law thing soured me for a while. But I feel like the bitterness of it is falling away. There are all these new yoga possibilities this month and once again I feel like the city is infused with hope and excitement.

I love it.


Lora said…
So glad that you are moving on that experience. I tend to think I would hate it too.
verniciousknids said…
It's interesting how you've moved onto something the complete opposite of the legal profession...good luck with all those "exciting possiblities".
Bearette said…
Lora - Thank you :)

V - Thanks! My father-in-law said the same thing, that yoga teaching is the exact opposite of law.
SK said…
I'm glad you are finally letting go of that too... it's no fun to carry around all that dead weight with you especially when in a great city! Focusing on your new prospects and memories of your excitement at the onset of your relationship seem to help a great bit! I'll have to keep that in mind if it ever happens to me.
Anonymous said…
Some people never find the courage or means to make a change. It's awesome that you did.

When I left social work I felt like I had failed in a major way-- like how could I not have realized that it wasn't the right profession for me? But I don't feel that way anymore. :)
Bearette said…
Thanks guys!

Liz - I know exactly what you mean. It feels like a reflection on you (one), but it's not!

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