Maybe I'll be on TV

So I got an email from my former writing teacher...I took a course with her in late 2005...and she told me CBS might be doing a segment on her writing class as part of its Sunday morning programming. (She has a new book coming out in August, which might be featured too, I bet.) She said her current writing class is very camera-shy, so she was asking me and a couple of other girls from my old class if we wanted to be interviewed.

I think it will be fun. You never know if it will be used though. Once I was stopped on a street corner (they hang out on 34th sometimes and interview people coming home from work) and interviewed by a camera crew about doctors...was I satisfied with them in NYC, etc. It never showed on TV to the best of my knowledge. The funny thing is, I called my mom to tell her about it and left a message. I called her on my cell. Maybe because of the street noise, maybe I was talking too fast, but all she heard was "doctor" and she freaked out.

I was on TV once before when I was in high school. It was a cable-access type show, small and cute, called "Writer's Block"...I had won a short-story contest then so they invited me on the show. It was cool. I actually remember what I was wearing...a green shirt and beige pants. Funny, I hardly wear either color now.

If you are looking for a weird but fun book, you might want to check out "Cassandra French's Finishing School for Boys" by Eric Garcia. He writes from the point of view of a woman who is fed up with men, so she chains a few in her basement and teaches them "proper behavior." It was a little crazy, but entertaining. Don't worry, I'm not going to chain men in my basement anytime soon. I don't even have one. A basement, that is...


Caro said…
Men should never be chained in the basement, the kitchen perhaps, but never the basement.

That would be too cool if you got to be on TV.
Anonymous said…
Came here from Only Partially Insane, and found it amusing that your writing teacher is recruiting talkative students from old classes to be on TV. Maybe she knew you were already an experienced TV star.

Is being seen in the crowd at Shea Stadium during a Mets game considered being on TV? Just asking...
Anonymous said…
Have I ever showed you the time I was on Double Dare? It was fun, even though my teammate and I totally lost. The host had us do stuff like put on two gorilla masks and blindfolds, and then peel six bananas and thow them whole in a bucket about six feet away. Impossible. It's the kind of thing they'd only do to you at a French Finishing School for Boys!
verniciousknids said…
I think you should do the interview in a yogic pose - for promotion purposes obviously!
Bearette said…
Neil - Sure, that can count.

Valiente - I think I have to see that!

VK - I'll take that under advisement ;)
Bearette said…
And C - why the kitchen preference?
Anonymous said…
Double Dare! I remember that show. :) It looked so delightfully messy.

Once when I was seven my mom and I were eating in McDonald's when a TV crew came in to interview customers about some new McNugget sauce. When they put the camera in my face I froze and could only say shyly, "Umm... they're good!"

I thought I would never live it down at school.
Bearette said…
hee...was it on TV and they all saw it?

i used to love mcnuggets. it's funny, for kids mcdonald's is haute cuisine...
Anonymous said…
Yes, it was on TV. :)

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