A recipe for y'all

I know I haven't posted a recipe in a while. D is playing basketball with the boyz (sorry, couldn't resist) tonight so I decided to make something with sweet potatoes (which he doesn't like). How can you not like sweet potatoes?!?!? Anyway, moving on.

This is very good and filling. I have a bunch of leftovers; too bad I can't ship them to D.C. or Austin or something. I adapted this from Didi Emmons' Entertaining for a Vegetarian Planet.

You'll need: 1 sweet potato (peeled and chopped), 2 zucchini (chopped), 2 Roma tomatoes (chopped), 1/2 c. frozen baby peas, 1/2 c plain or lemon yogurt, 1/4 t red pepper flakes, a few shakes of salt, brown basmati rice, 1/2 c shredded coconut, 1/2 c raw red lentils, 1 t cumin and 3 T canola oil.

Toast the coconut in a small pan over medium heat. Shake the pan almost constantly for 5 min, until the coconut is tan. Set aside.

Heat the canola oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the lentils and cook until they begin to brown - 5 or 10 min. Add the sweet potatoes, cumin and 1 1/2 c water. Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer, cover and cook for 15 min, stirring occasionally. Add the zucchini, tomatoes and peas. Cook for 10 min until the veggies are fairly tender.

Combine the coconut with the yogurt, red pepper flakes and salt. Mix until everything is blended. Remove the veggies from the heat, fold the yogurt in and cover for 1 min to heat through.

*The plain vs. lemon yogurt is a matter of personal choice. The lemon does sweeten up the dish considerably. I have issues with plain yogurt, though. Too dull.


verniciousknids said…
Yum that sounds amazing!
Bearette said…
Thanks! I guess Japan is definitely too far away to ship to.
Caro said…
My family hates sweet potatoes also. Freaks, all of them, except me of course.
Anonymous said…
Don't set your kitchen on fire while toasting coconut, like I did. :) Sounds yummy!
Anonymous said…
And I agree- I am puzzled by anyone who doesn't like sweet potatoes... ;)
Bearette said…
Hee...I actually burned the first batch of coconut. I was chopping the sweet potato while the coconut toasted, and it resented the lack of attention ;)
verniciousknids said…
Sometimes Japan seems like the end of the earth...but I used to feel the same way about Australia too!

What could I substitute for zucchini? It kills me that I can't buy them here...I was so spoiled at home as my Mum grows them. Yum.

I also fail to understand those who do not worship the sweet potato - fortunately for me it's one of the most popular veges here so there is never a shortage. Actually in winter we have the "yaki-imo man" pushing his cart around the streets selling baked sweet potatoes. He wails the following tune "yaaaakiiiiimoooooo, yaaaaakiiiimooooo" at the top of his lungs!

Oops, I didn't actually mean for this comment to become a post...
Bearette said…
that's awesome. i love the idea of a sweet potato man. we only have fruit men here...
Bearette said…
Zucchini...hmm...i'm not sure. maybe baby eggplant?
verniciousknids said…
I'll give the eggplant idea a whirl - thanks.

The sweet potatoes warm your hands brilliantly when you're waiting for your train in winter - not to mention their taste!
Anonymous said…
Oooh, this sounds so good.
Bearette said…
C - Thanks! I forgot to mention, it's called sweet potato badi.

VK - I like the idea of warming my hands on sweet potatoes :)

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