I’m a little annoyed. Some of my auditions are not bearing fruit. And one got canceled…after the woman at the center told me to bring friends! I had to email everybody I had invited and un-invite them. It was really awkward.

On a more positive note, I am on the sub list for 5 affiliated centers, and there seem to be a lot of opportunities. I subbed on Sunday and really enjoyed it. It was the place I always used to go before I started going to LL. So I was really comfortable there. And there’s a little skylight above the teacher ;) It was fun being under the skylight.

Oh, and I feel Lisa’s pain about the high cost of Whole Foods. My bank account seemed suspiciously low, so I went to Gristede’s instead. But the orange I got there was leaking green juice on the counter.

I think I’ll go to Whole Foods in the future.


verniciousknids said…
I like the idea of a skylight in a gym and don't stress about the cancellations - something even better will be around the corner!

Green juice...yuck
Anonymous said…
Have you talked with other people who have gone through the process of finding yoga teaching jobs, to see how your experience compares to theirs?
Elsa said…
I'm sorry about the auditions - that's a bummer, but glad about your "subbing".

I like Whole Foods, but don't have one close enough to me to do regular shopping.
Anonymous said…
Could you hire yourself out as a private instructor? I was thinking the other day how much I would enjoy having someone come to my house to give me some beginner lessons. :)
Bearette said…
Thanks, VK...that's what I needed to hear :)

Elsa - Thanks.

Liz - That sounds fun :) I'm not sure how to break in, because my mentor in the program told us we would get "privates" from our regular classes. But I'll think about it some more...
Caro said…
I'll bet the subbing will open doors for you also.

When you come in, and they see what a good job you do, they will keep you in mind for future openings.
Bearette said…
Thanks C. This guy who watched me sub on sunday (that sounds perverse somehow) sent me an email saying i did a nice job. so that was good :)
verniciousknids said…
Maybe you should print up some funky flyers and distribute them?!

Or what about craigslist?!
Lora said…
.Your on the sub list for 5 places. I'd hardly say that's not bearing fruit. Give yourself credit, because it is due. Keep up the good work and good luck!
Bearette said…
Thanks Lora. I have to remember that. I just get discouraged easily :(
Anonymous said…
Is there a Trader Joe's nearby? They have pretty good prices on things. Not tons of fresh stuff....but still enough to get you by.
Bearette said…
there's one across town, but the whole foods is a couple of blocks away. i think i'm addicted.

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