Bad girl, or INDULGENCE

I was feeling a little moody earlier. Did I mention that I'm an emotional sponge? I felt bad about Lisa's grad school travails, and I'm a little annoyed by the yoga teacher pavement-pounding (though I do have 2 subbing gigs and a class later this month, but waiting to hear about my latest audition is annoying). I did exchange emails with my writing class teacher earlier, and she hoped I was still working on my novel. I told her I was. Hopefully she'll be into looking at it when it's done, and offer advice. She is a published authoress.

(Preview of Inside Man on TV right now. Clive Owen is cute.)

Anyway, I was a bad girl. I walked D to his office, intending to go to yoga afterward, and he got a brownie at Antique Cafe. So of course I had to get one too, and instead of waiting till after yoga like a good girl, I ate it. Now you're not supposed to do yoga with anything in your tummy, because you're twisting around and so forth. It could make you queasy.

Realizing that yoga post-brownie was a bad idea, I decided to eat an early dinner instead. So I bought some peanut-avocado rolls, which are like peanut butter & jelly for grownups. (I'm really just a kid, but anyway). Then I immersed myself in Friends on one of those rerun channels. They were all so young, like babies, and Jennifer Aniston still had baby fat. It's cute.

Also, I looked up House on to see when it would be on next. Sundry friends and family members have recommended it, but no one told me Robert Sean Leonard was in it.

Now, I had a crush on Robert Sean Leonard when Dead Poets Society came out. Does anyone else remember the scene where he had a crown of thorns on and they played that otherworldly music? I thought it was so deep. (OK, I can't believe I admitted that.)


Anonymous said…
BEARETTE!! I had the hugest crush on RSL, too. He was just the right mix of sensitivity and defiance. And I thought his eyes looked like pools of melted chocolate.

Uhhh... yeah.
Bearette said…
hee...i'm glad i wasn't the only one!

the sensitive rebel...sigh.
Bearette said…
he disappeared for so long, too! he was in Much Ado About Nothing...then, nothing.
Anonymous said…
I remember that scene in Dead Poets Society. I think I probably have that entire movie memorized, and I always cry when he kills himself.

I like House quite a bit. And after the Golden Globes when I heard Hugh Laurie speak, I became thoroughly impressed with his acting ability--not the just accent change, but his entire demeanor and tone of voice changed. Pretty cool.
Mike said…
I remembered the movie and the scene, but no, no crush on him here, lol. Rebel without a clue, I thought, much like myself...
Caro said…
I never saw "Dead Poets Society."

I miss House. I looked for it last night, but it wasn't on. :^(
Bearette said…
C - it will be back on March 28th :)
Anonymous said…
Another one of my favorite scenes from Dead Poets is when he makes Ethan Hawke's desk set "fly". I thought, what a rebel-- he's wasting perfectly good office supplies!
Lisa said…
Loved DPS and also had a crush on RSL.

If it makes you feel any better, I ate six! chocolate-chip, M&M cookies AND licked the pudding bowl clean after making Mama Crystal's banana pudding thing. I didn't actually get to eat the MCBPT because I was starting to feel a little sick by then. :-)

Oh, and I didn't go to the gym like I was supposed to.
Bearette said…
MCBPT - I love it ;)

I did end up going to Pilates at 8:30 to assuage my guilt.

Liz - he made it fly with such quiet assurance ;)
Michelle said…
House is an awesome show, it can really suck you in. and you're right about the food before yoga thing, I did this to myself a couple of times. no fun.
verniciousknids said…
I also loved DPS but I had more of a thing for Todd Anderson (Ethan Hawke) and Knox Overstreet (Josh Charles)than RSL - but I did bawl copiously when he died.

Hugh Laurie is a genius - you must see "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" if you get the chance.

I've seen a few episodes of House and I was shocked to see an ex-soapie star from Australia, Jesse Spencer, as one of the leads!
Bearette said…
michelle - yeah, no food for 2 hrs beforehand is the rule of thumb...i should have followed it...but the brownie was too tempting ;)

VK - interesting. for me, RSL was the movie ;)
Anonymous said…
I just thought every guy in DPS was hot. But RSL was definitely my fave. Did you see him in Much Ado about Nothing? LOVED IT.
Bearette said…
i liked him in Much Ado, but DPS was my fave. Kenneth Branagh was kinda cute back in the day...esp. in "Dead Again".
Lora said…
As long as I've been reading your blog that's seems to be the first workout you've ever missed. I'm afraid I'm much more easily distracted. Enjoy your indulgences. Those peanut-avocado rolls sound wonderful.

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