As I walked after dinner tonight, I was thinking about the discreet nose kiss. This is when a dog kisses you very neatly and respectfully on the tip of your nose. (A dachshund did that to me tonight.)

Then I met a pug, a butterscotch one with the trademark curly tail. (A pug owner once told me that you can gauge the dog's mood by the curl of its tail: a tight curl is optimal, a medium curl is not so good, and no curl means he's asleep.) So I walked toward it, saying "Puggy! Puggy!" or something of the sort. It was absorbed in sniffing a hedge and then it saw me, and it was like, OMG! I DIDN'T SEE YOU BEFORE! SOMEONE IS SAYING HI TO ME! YAY! and came over and basically gave my face a tongue bath.

Whenever that happens, I think:
1) What a sweet, affectionate dog. I am honored to be shown so much love.
2) As soon as I get home, I'm going to wash up with my St. Ives Facial Cleanser (sagely recommended by my friend Carpe.)

So now that the important stuff is out of the way, let's talk premieres.

Grey's Anatomy. Sorry, but after keen anticipation, I was not blown away. The myriad flashbacks killed the forward motion of the show. Also, I find both McDreamy and Chris O'Donnell kind of dull (although this answers my question of what happened to Chris O'Donnell; he now guest stars on Thursday night TV shows). I like George. However, I think next week's episode will be better. It looks happy, trashy, and not weighed down by unnecessary exposition. (Let's face it...the show is #3 or many people watching it this season are new viewers?)

Desperate Housewives. That's what I'm talkin' about. DH is firmly back on track with a fun new plotline (Kyle MacLachlan as a sinister man who killed his wife and his bird, and really excited Bree with his special dish cleaning formula). I think Bree has the best storyline so far. My only complaint so far: Eva Longoria's frosted hair. Please, please just bring your old hair back. Thanks. I'm a fan :)

On a more minor note:

The Office. This was funny as Steve Carell again tried to be appropriate and corporate and just failed (arguably the central motif of the show). I do think it was silly to move Jim to another office, and I hope he comes back.


This suzy said…
I think I'm one of the few that has never watched Grey's Anatomy. I think I'm also one of the few that just doesn't get The Office. I've tried watching it a couple different times and I just get bored with it. Maybe I spend too much time in an office. lol
Anonymous said…
I don't watch GA or DH, but I do love The Office. Now if I could just make myself remember when it's on... have you seen the original British version? Really funny!

B- a while back you recommended an author to anyone who loves Anne Tyler. What was her name?? Thanks!
Bearette said…
Suzy - that could definitely be it. I haven't worked in an office for a long time, so maybe I'm far away enough from it to appreciate it. And also the humor is definitely weird ;)

Liz - i think it was christina bartolomeo. she's not quite as good, but her book "snowed in" was in the same vein as anne. i've never seen the british version...but i wouldn't be surprised if someday i did!
Caro said…
Boots is rather generous with his tongue, too generous!

Maybe it's a breed thing since pugs and bostons are so similar.
Anonymous said…
Oh- hee! I have Snowed In sitting on my bedside table right now. I'm reading Anna Mexted's newest right now, and listening to Amy and Isabelle on CD in my car.

I also just finished listening to Shop Girl on CD, which I really liked. Steve Martin's voice is suprisingly pleasant.
Anonymous said…
Maxted, but you knew what I meant. ;)
Bearette said…
C - how is he doing after his operation?

Liz - cool, I want to read the new Maxted. I read Amy and Isabelle a while ago. I liked Shopgirl too...though I steered clear of the movie ;) Btw, the office is on at 8:30.
Amy said…
I liked all of these three premieres - my boss even had a Grey's Anatomy premiere viewing party complete with hospital style desserts - pudding and jell-o with whipped cream on top. And she gave us copies of the new Grey's soundtrack which is pretty awesome.
Anonymous said…
I love The Office, but I miss Jim. I think they had to move him in order to keep the sexual tension's like the X-Files--how long can they go without actually "doing it?" Anyway, I don't seem to understand Desperate Housewives, and I've never seen Grey's either. I feel like such a cave-dweller.
Bearette said…
Amy - that sounds really fun! I like your boss.

Kitkat - I'm sure you're right. They want to draw it out as long as possible.
Caro said…
He's still swollen. I was told not to let him run around much. Right!
jules said…
OK - I have to admit that I didn't realize that the vet was Chris O'Donnell until I just read this!
Bearette said…
I guess it's been so long since he was in anything, that he was hard to recognize. i'm glad he's got work, though :)

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