So tonight we had dinner with DG. The restaurant we were going to go to was closed!! How mean. But we found a Chinese ("Shanghainese", to be specific) restaurant where the male waiters all spoke in a stentorian, kind of Nazi way. I was scared of one of them (until we both stood up and he turned out to be 5 inches shorter).

Side note: once D and I went to a Cuban/Chinese place that had a waiter of the "women should be seen and not heard" variety. D had finished ordering, so I started to say what I wanted...and the waiter turned to me and said (loudly), "SSHH!" I was humiliated and scarred. Ok, that's putting it a bit strongly...but I never wanted to go back there again. Now it's closed.

DG got a big fish for his dinner. They peeled it open in front of us. It was kind of graphic and scary. But not as bad as chicken/lamb/veal. I don't know why.

D passed on dessert, but DG got fried banana, and they brought these strange deep-fried balls. I had fresh pineapple which was pretty good.

Oh, and DG got contacts. It took a few minutes to get used to but I think it suits him.


jef said…
Yummm! Count me in hehe!
Reighnie said…
Wow he shushed you? I don't know about being humilated or scarred but I would've been pissed to say the least.

I was brought up by my grandparents that way..."little girls should be seen and not heard" and "only speak when you are spoken to". You know sit with your hands in your lap and look pretty.

Yeeah...right. Boy was that a mistake. I did it when I was young but when I got older I saw how ridiculous it was and now...well. My grandparents and I don't talk. Nothing much lost there.

Anyhoo, did you really stay and eat there?
Bearette said…
jef - you like the sound of the big sea bass, huh? ;)

reighnie - yup. and then he hovered over d as he was paying the check. we realized he was *very* new to the country, and probably didn't know how things worked here...but i was upset at the time. we did stay and eat, it didn't occur to me to leave. (i've only even left a movie once.)
Anonymous said…
I love fresh pineapple. I remember eating bowls and bowls of it in Hawaii, until my tongue was tingling.
Bearette said…
it was neat how they served it, too. it was one half of a pineapple with the insides sliced. i've never cut a pineapple open, but i'd like to try.

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