Thursday treize

1. I'm digging the beautiful fall weather.
2. I'm meeting Ashley (aka Pop Scholar) this weekend.
3. I took a type A/B personality test and came out almost exactly in the middle, but closer to B.
4. I seem to remember winning a Scrabble game with D early in our relationship, so maybe next time.
5. I got an email from a friend (the woman who introduced me to yoga) quoting her hairdresser, who had just taken a Sunday class at a yoga studio: "The teacher was real young, really creative! Dark hair, her name was Bearette..."
6. This is funny because I've never taught there on a Sunday and no one with my name does either. There's a girl with a variant of my name, but she teaches early morning classes on weekdays, and she has sandy hair.
7. So I'm mystified.
8. I'm still debating whether to see Snakes on a Plane.
9. I saw a cute baby on the subway yesterday. It had black socks with white polka dots.
10. I patted two of my favorite neighborhood dogs yesterday: Sarah (a miniature schnauzer, but without the "beard" cut, she looks more like a Cairn terrier) and Mr. Adam (a Brussels gryphon).
11. I figure the dogs don't mind if I fail to preserve their anonymity ;)
12. I always forget there are 13 items on this list.
13. I just finished a book that made me want to go to France. I haven't been since college (when I visited my roommate there for a week).


This suzy said…
If some people sleepwalk, could you be teaching Sunday yoga in your sleep? lol
Bearette said…
hehe! i've been teaching so much, the sleepwalking is entirely possible.
Anonymous said…
It must have been you. There couldn't be two people named 'Bearette' in this world... ;)
Bearette said…
hehe! it was my real name, of course ;)
Anonymous said…
Maybe she was just confused on the days.

I'm glad I read this so I remember to do my Thursday 13!
Bearette said…
i don't know. it's awfully strange b/c (a) i haven't taught there since may and (b) i only taught there on weekdays. ever.
Anonymous said…
Can't wait! We'll see you tomorrow night at 8:30 at the restaurant -- I googled it.
Bearette said…
cool! i think you'll really like it.
Amy said…
What? Your real name is not Bearette? :-) LOL. And about fall, I miss seasons! Of course, I haven't been around one other that "summer" for about the past 7 years either.
Lisa said…
Dogs are usually total attention whores. I think they'll love that they got namechecked on your blog!

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