Adventures in voting

I feel kind of mean writing about this, but I thought it was blog-worthy.

I went to vote in the Democratic primary today. It was a busy day (I taught 3 classes and didn't have time to go grocery shopping, so we ate out for lunch and dinner). I feared I would have to make a choice between

1) washing my hair
2) voting for Spitzer, Cuomo and Clinton (Hillary, that is).

Happily, I was able to do both. With 10 minutes to spare until I had to get on the subway to teach, I went to the voting center (marked helpfully with 10,000,000 VOTE HERE/VOTE AQUI signs).

A cop was doing a crossword puzzle. I asked him which table to go to and he asked, "Where do you live?" I gave him my address and he pointed to a man next to him.

Man: What's your last name?

Me: B-o...

He wrote down Vo.

Me: No, B as in "boy."

He wrote Vob.

Me: No [writing down the correct version].

He flips through the pages with agonizing slowness, and points to D's name.

Me: That's my husband.

Him: That's you?


Him: Oh, well, you can't vote for him.

Me: I know. I want to vote for myself.

Him: When was the last time you voted?

Me: I don't know, but the right to vote doesn't expire.

Cop: [laughing] It might be under your maiden name.

Me: Good call. It's L-e...

Clueless man writes down La.

Me: No, e as in elephant...

Clueless man writes down "La___".

I write down the correct version.

Clueless: Anyway, it's not here. It would be right under your husband's name.

Me: ???

Cop: [gently, to Clueless] L___ was her last name. You know, her maiden name.

Clueless: Oh. I thought it was her first name. [Starts flipping to the A's]

Me: The other way. [I flip to H for him, then he grabs the pages and flips painfully slowly to the L's.]

Then he finally finds me. The cop raises his eyebrows and mouths "wow" at me.

Wow is right.

In other news, I picked up another permanent class, this one on Saturday! Yay.


Amy said…
OMG - that is so awesome! It is also why I absentee vote, although after the last couple of elections I have to wonder if those counted...or maybe that was due to the fact that I was voting in Florida??
Bearette said…
Absentee that's an idea! And Florida...definitely the black hole of voting ;)
Anonymous said…
The people who run the polls often appear to be bred for stupidity. Yours did seem to know which letters come before which in the alphabet, which is not always a given (I do not jest).

Bearette said…
Yet he was looking for the L's before the B's...gotta wonder.
Anonymous said…
I'll keep that in mind if we move to Florida. ;)

Funny story!
Michelle said…
and this is why I vote absentee....

and congrats on the yoga front!
Roxanne said…
Congrats on your new yoga class!

Vote Early and Vote Often! (I like that one)
Bearette said…
michelle - thanks! it sounds like you're doing it right.

roxanne - hee. d loves that one.
This suzy said…
Congrats on the new class!

I can't imagine not even knowing the alphabet.
Anonymous said…
Was Hillary even contested in the primary?

I remember voting against her in 2000. I'd thought I was going to have to vote absentee but I happened to make it into town for the election. About a month later I relinquished my blue NY State residency for Red Ohio residency. Now I'm just a red guy living in blue Illinois.

The election is on what? Nov. 6th this year? If it's before that I'll have to vote absentee. I'll be in Canada on business early on in November.
Bearette said…
She was contested, but I forget who her opponent was. I think election day is Nov 4...but I could be wrong.
Caro said…
Oh my. I hope he was a volunteer and not getting paid to be that stupid.

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