My new pajamas


Roxanne said…
Those are too cute! Do you plan on doing morning yoga in them?
bdogg_mcgee said…
OMG! I saw those in Old Navy this evening and I thought to myself, "I bet Bearette would love those...."

And you already have them! I tell you I'm psychic...
Bearette said…
roxanne - i already did some afternoon yoga in them ;)

bdogg - that's funny! maybe i should consult you about the future ;)
Katie said…
jef said…
Uber cute:-)
verniciousknids said…
The pink socks and pearls combo rocks!
Bearette said…
Thanks, guys! VK - I'm glad you appreciate the dogs' couture ;)
Caro said…
The material (in the pic) looks like skin.

It looks like dog tatoos all over your arm.

They're very cute.
Bearette said…
C- I never thought of that! Fortunately they are pink pants. I think getting that many tattoos would be very painful.

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