New ducks

So a box arrived for D today, covered in Mickey and Minnie stickers, with a return address in Massachusetts. So I knew it was a birthday present for him, from my mother. He wondered briefly whether it was ok to open it in advance of the day (of course it is!) and then he was delighted with his 3 new ducks:

In other news, a man bit a panda in a Beijing zoo! The man, who was drunk, clambered into the panda's enclosure. The panda bit him, and then a scuffle ensued, with the man returning the favor. "I think I bit his back," the man said. "I thought they liked humans!"

I saw this on MSN and thought it was amusing. D laughed, but said the man shouldn't have bitten the panda back!

I met a dog yesterday who didn't like me. I was a little hurt, but then I met a chocolate Lab who licked my hand and jumped around. So I felt better.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
My co-worker has duckies for every occasion. She displays them on the reference desk.

There was a special set of pirate duckies on display for September 19th-- Talk Like a Pirate Day. :)
Reighnie said…
Cute ducks.

Have you ever heard of Oriental Trading Company. They have ducks for every holiday and then some. I think they have a website too.

That's where my sweetie gets my ducks from...only thing is you have to buy them in bulk. But still they are very cute.
Bearette said…
it sounds dangerous...i won't tell d ;)
Bearette said…
liz - that sounds cute :) maybe you should set up a rival duck collection??
This suzy said…
I have to wonder how safe the zoo in Beijing is if a man can wander into one of the enclosures when he's drunk! lol
Bearette said…
good point! from the picture it looks like there was a deep indentation in the ground, kind of like a below-ground pool without water in it, lined with a stone wall, and the man jumped into the "pool". it might have been kind of fun, though not the smartest thing he's ever done ;)
Caro said…
Where's the Thursday thirteen, woman?
Bearette said…
hee ;) i figured 2 entries a day would be too much for y'all. but next week, i'll be sure to do it :)
Anonymous said…

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