So I've become a little bit addicted to Billie Holiday. People in my classes always ask, "Who's that? Is that Billie Holiday?" when I play Madeleine Peyroux, so I was curious. I love the music. It's so atmospheric. It makes me feel like I'm in some Depression-era speakeasy, and Billie's up there with a flower in her hair, singing, and everyone is laughing and forgetting their troubles :)

We had dinner with DG at Brick Lane Curry House. They're either connected to London or they just like it...there are references to the Underground (British subway), etc. I hadn't been there in a while. They have a spicy, tomato-coated cauliflower appetizer (lasuni gobi) which is quite good. And I don't even like cauliflower, usually. I also had dakshini korma (veggies in a nice coconut-milk sauce, which is a cozy green).


This suzy said…
I must confess: I've never heard Billie's music.
Anonymous said…
What Billy Holiday tunes go best with yoga?
Bearette said…
Suzy - I actually hadn't heard her before, either. i thought it might be kind of staid and boring. but it's really kind of makes you get up and dance :)

a - i'm still trying to figure that out. i'm definitely going to play some of her songs at one of my classes soon.
kj said…
love love love billie holiday. you'll fall for her more and more.
Anonymous said…
I agree with kj.
Caro said…
I've only heard one of her songs.

Now I'm curious too.
verniciousknids said…
BH is a great addiction to have!
Bearette said…
i'm planning which cds to get next ;)

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