"Air hockey was my life...it was everthang"

Sometimes, life leads us in circuitous paths. We were supposed to meet Lobo to see the original Superman (Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, none of this Kate Bosworth-as-Lois-Lane nonsense) at the Ziegfeld. The Ziegfeld is the last old-time movie palace in New York; once we went there to see The Incredible Hulk and a man in our row grabbed us after the movie and told us that. He talked about the Ziegfeld for a good ten minutes. I think he was just lonely.

Anyway, we got to the Ziegfeld, and the place was packed with limos that had tinted windows, security guards milling around, and policeman directing us to stand on the other side of the street. We waited for famous people to materialize...it was the New York premiere of The Departed, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jack Nicholson, Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg. But none of them showed up. D thought it would take much longer. Lobo, who is 6'2", said of the security guards: "Suddenly I didn't feel tall. I felt average. I guess the 5'6" security guards are not intimidating enough."

However, the evening was not a failure, because Lobo gave D a birthday gift, wrapped in reflective paper: Foos, the documentary. We are now watching it. A man with a Southern twang said in wistful tones, "Air hockey was my life. It was everthang." I guess air hockey is a gateway sport for foosball.


Anonymous said…
Kid is sitting on his bed (reading? Listening to a Walkman?). Dad bursts into the room with an air hockey puck in his hand.

"Where did you learn this?" Dad yells. "Where did you learn about playing air hockey?"

"From YOU, okay?" the kid screams. "I learned it from watching YOU!"

Narrator: Parents who play air hockey have kids who play air hockey.
Bearette said…
Hee! Is that from the documentary? We didn't watch it all the way through...Lobo felt there was not enough "live foosball action". We did enjoy the '70s haircuts, though ;)
This suzy said…
My granddad in Texas says "everthang." Of course, he also says "reckon" and "yonder." Gotta love it. :)
Amy said…
So did you end up seeing any of the Departed celebs at all?
Anonymous said…
It was an anti-drug commercial that was on in the 80's. Just substitute marijuana for air hockey. ;)

I think it was out around the time of the famous "This is your brain... this is your brain on drugs" spots.
verniciousknids said…
Air Hockey has never been my everthang...but I've certainly enjoyed a game or ten ;)
Bearette said…
Suzy - sounds like a fun granddad ;) there is something very lovable about texas (except for the bush ranch, of course).

amy - sadly, no! i wouldn't have minded seeing them, but d wanted to leave.

liz - oh yeah! i remember it now. the one with the egg hissing in the frying pan.

VK - do you know, i'm not sure i've ever played? i have played foosball, though. d has a table at his office ;)
Bearette said…
i think next time you come to NY, we'll have to go to fat cat (where they have pool, foosball, ping pong, etc.)...i can see them playing foosball for hours.
Katie said…
I can't believe there's a documentary on Foosball...how cool! I'll have to find it on Amazon.

"Air hockey was my life. It was everthang." = pretty much the way I talk. Tragic but true.

Grey's tomorrow!
kj said…
ah, the secret of life.
Bearette said…
belle - i can't wait! it's probably my favorite show.

kj - it's true ;)

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