Pudding wrestling

I'm reading a book, Reality TV Bites by Shane Bolks, that features pudding wrestling. I told D about it and of course he had many questions:

D: Do they get to clean off afterwards?

Me: When they get home.

D: Does anyone get hurt?

Me: At one point she sees "red through the brownish-orange".

D: Where does this book take place?

Me: Chicago.

D (grabbing his laptop): I'm gonna see if this really happens.

And, behold, it does. I'm not sure if this is in Chicago, but feel free to view the slideshow.

It looks messy.


Roxanne said…
That's a lot of wasted pudding! (I like pudding)

I never have figured out why guys like to watch girls go at each other. Until my hubby explained it very simply to me the other night...."because they are hoping that the fighting will switch over to making out with each other. It's not realistic, but guys are always hopeful that it might happen." One less thing for me to ponder now.

Sounds like an interesting book already. :)
Irene said…
Sounds like good old dirty fun. Enjoying your blog. Keep at it! c",)
Bearette said…
roxanne - it was interesting :) i finished it already...i think i heard that same explanation on Friends ;)

irene - thanks!

i do think it would be an enhanced experience if u could eat the pudding...
Katie said…
Oh my...never, ever would've thought about pudding wrestling...yum ;)


-p.s.-I really, really like your blog! Do you mind if I link you up?
Bearette said…
Thanks! Sure :)

I never would have thought of it either.

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