
One of D's friends just gave us tickets to see Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden in April. I saw Billy and Elton on tour together back in 1994, summer after freshman year in college.

Isn't that nice? He also gave D a foosball table once.

I must email to thank him.

In other news, I saw two pairs of Reebok high-top sneakers today. You know, the kind with velcro tabs across the top. I'm scared.


Anonymous said…
Were they silver?
Anonymous said…
I read that in your comments from the last post---that IS scary! It reminds me of something that should be on Napoleon Dynamite or something.
Lora said…
Remember Jordache? I was checking it a new residents clothing and she had a pair! I then started looking for the legwarmers, but none materialized.
Bearette said…
hee...they were white.

kitkat - very!!! i could see them on napoleon.

lora - i think legwarmers are coming back! i've seen them on a couple people.
Caro said…
My fifteen-year old has a pair of legwarmers. They are black and white sriped.

I love Billy Joel.

I confess I like high tops too. Hee hee.
Bearette said…
hehe...i didn't even know they made them anymore, until i saw them.
Anonymous said…
I'm going to see Billy this Thursday night!! I can't wait.
Bearette said…
Awesome!! have fun.

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