It must be cute animal week.

I was on my way to Pilates and I saw a little rainbow of cocker spaniels: gold, brown and black. The black one made a beeline for me. He looked exactly like Liz's dog Alex.

Anyway, he came right over and lay on his back across my foot. The messages: "You're not going anywhere" and "Pat my belly." I complied.

Has anyone noticed how dogs don't like to share attention? If there are multiple dogs, they'll all rush over to you, but when you pat one of them, the other two slink away. They are, however, keeping their eyes peeled and they're ready to swoop in the second you stop patting the first dog.


Mz.Elle said…
Awww! The animals LOVE you:)
You have the gift!
Here at our house,when I pat Frankie,Annie comes over and pushes him out of the way,lol
She's even gone to great lengths
for love,such as jumping over a table and on top of my hubby on the couch,lol.
Caro said…
When I try to pat one dog here, they ALL start mugging me.

"Don't pet him. Pet me."

Then I get covered in slobber and nobody gets petted.
Anonymous said…
If I pat another dog, Alex runs up and gets in my face.

"HEY!" he says. "Quit it. I am your ONE AND ONLY."
Bearette said…
Ms. L - hehe. she knows what she wants ;)

Caro - slobber is a definite downside :)

Liz - do you pat other doggies when he's not around? i used to feel guilty patting other dogs when i was in college, and my dog wasn't even there ;)

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